Day 46: Slowly, but Surely

Day 46: Plyometrics X (make up)

Whatever bug I have is still lingering around. It is mostly congestion today. I have been moving slow all day an trying to rest, but I decided to attempt Plyo. I pulled through and completed the full hour, but noticed a real difference in my body’s reaction to cardio today. Most importantly, my heartbeat was WAY up with less effort. I don’t know if this is good or bad, but it was I was running around 180 -185 bpm for the whole hour. It is normally between 170 – 175 bpm.

Diet was good today. Still eating the same thing.

Tip of the day: Be careful if you decide to do cardio while ill. Drink plenty of water and make sure to monitor your heart rate closely. If it is getting too high, slowly come back down and give it a break. It is not worth putting more stress on your body. Stay within your comfort level.

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