Weeks 27-28 “Results”/Weeks 29-30 Challenge

19 Sep

You may have noticed that there was no results post for the Weeks 27-28 skinny jean challenge on Saturday. This is partially because I was focussing on my first half-marathon which I ran yesterday (it went well BTW, it was a great race and the weather was perfect !), but mostly because I could not for the life of me find a pair of skinny jeans for $20 or under that fit me properly and didn’t make me look awkward. Walking around with your legs straight because the jeans are so tight that you can’t bend your knees is not exactly cute! Definitely not look I was going for based on my inspiration picture…

The jeans I tried on did NOT look like these on me (Rag & Bone $185)

So based on what I found I’m going to continue my skinny jean search for the Weeks 29-30 Challenge with a $40 budget. I could technically make the budget $60 because I didn’t use the left over $20 from the last challenge but I should be able to find something for under $40 right? Right?!

Since I’m leaving for Paris (swoon!) next Friday I’ll make my deadline next Thursday night, that way I should have a bit of time to also give myself a little challenge for my trip 😮

Wish me luck!

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