Week 13 Results

21 May

Time for this week’s results post! I had actually resolved myself to the fact that I wouldn’t be able to successfully complete this week’s challenge of finding a new running skirt. Earlier in the week I did a whirlwind tour of sporting goods stores (two Sports Experts, SportCheck, Lululemon), department stores (two Sears, two the Bay, Zellers), and other clothing stores (Old Navy, Smart Set, American Apparel) and although I came across many cute running skirts nothing I found was within my budget. In fact nothing was under $50!

At that point I was getting pretty worried, especially when my husband smugly pointed out that looking for a running skirt on sale at the beginning of running season probably wasn’t the smartest idea…

Last night I figured that I would try one more sporting goods store at an outlet mall (Sportmart) but again, I had no luck (in fact they didn’t have any running skirts at all). In one last-ditch attempt my husband and I went into another Old Navy store at the outlet mall (since Old Navy tends to be a good fallback for this experiment) and amazingly there it was hanging from a rack, one lone running skirt, size XS:

Old Navy


It was actually my husband who spotted it and it was strange because there wasn’t a single other running skirt in the whole store. Now the price on the tag said $19.99 but everything around it was 30% off so I figured that I would see if it was on sale:

When I got to the cash I found out that it was actually on clearance for $8.99! With taxes the total came to $10.16 which leaves me with a total of $9.84 for the SpendThrift Savings Bank!

I have to say that I am really happy with this purchase. Not only was the skirt a total steal but it’s also really comfortable and the fact that it has a drawstring waist is a total plus (since I’m sure that you’re aware of my issues with Old Navy’s sizing system).

Here it is on me in the usual cheesy posed shot:

Top La Senza (they used to sell workout wear), skirt Old Navy, shoes Nike

And in a goofy “action shot” where for some reason my shadow looks a little off, and kind of creepy…

So what do you think?

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