Week 14 Results

28 May

So this week’s challenge was to find a long, multi-strand necklace. Although I had found several inspiration pieces online, such as this one by Rosantica:

Rosantica $525, Net-A-Porter

And this one by Ippolita:

Ippolita $1818, Saks

I didn’t have a set style of strand in mind. My only criteria were that it be long, and have more than one stand.

So what did I end up finding in my search? Well after looking through various accessory stores (like Ardene and Claire’s) where I found quite a few cheap options (that also looked pretty cheaply made), I wanted to find something that looked and felt more expensive (even if it wasn’t really expensive).

I actually lucked out at Jacob and not the outlet store for once! All of their jewellery was %40 off and they had a ton of long multi-strand necklaces! For once I had trouble deciding between a multitude of options that all fell within my budget! Yay!

Here’s the one that I finally decided on after a lot of thought and consideration:

Jacob, originally $25.90

It has silver chains with clear square leucite beads and was originally selling for $25.90. Since it was %40 off, after taxes the total came to $17.56 leaving $2.44 for the SpendThrift Savings Bank!

I have to admit, I’m really smitten with this necklace. I think that it looks great, much more expensive than it actually was, has a good weight to it, and since the beads are clear it will go with pretty much any colour:

I had a little bit of fun with my camera and different coloured backgrounds this week ๐Ÿ™‚

I didn’t take a picture of me wearing it since it is a necklace and it will look pretty similar on everyone (ok that might be up for debate depending on someone’s height, chest size etc…) but if you’re wondering how it looks on a person I’ll post a picture in this week’s edition of Triumph or Tacky? once I wear it to work.

Well, as much as I love this necklace my opinion isn’t the only one that matters! Time to find out what you think!

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