Apologies to subscribers and those out there taking in this site via RSS feed. A couple of days ago, I noticed a glitch on a rather large number of posts and decided to fix a few… forgetting that whenever I updated them, they would show up anew on RSS.

A good thing I didn’t fix all of the posts that had the glitch.

Now that I know about the issue, when I have time to sit down and fix it, I will turn off RSS for the duration and keep your news feeds clear of re-runs.

In the meantime, the Kindle version of The Company Man has completed the coding process and is undergoing the first wave of corrections and proofing. Look for it and a trade paperback version of same sometime later this month, hopefully.

And look for a preview of the cover art in these pages soon.

7 responses to “DOH!

  1. Alert the villagers! Torches and pitchforks for all! We storm the castle at dawn ;)

    Just kidding, Joe :)

  2. Good news! I know a lot of people are waiting for re-release of TCM. When I saw that, I actually thought of some blog advice I read from Tim Ferriss. I can’t find the original, but take a look at #3 on this post that references it:

    As a side note, with google reader, your posts come through, but they all have the blog title as: (title unknown). Here is a quick screenie of what I am talking about:

    • You’re seeing “title unknown” because there is no title information on the blog right now. It puts the blog name over the graphic of the books, and I haven’t been able to find a font color that is legible over that coat-of-many-colors graphic. I’m working on putting a black bar on part of the graphic so the title shows up, but that’s one more thing on my massive to-do list. Also, I’m using hosted WP, so I’m not sure I can move the date – but I like that piece of advice. The nice thing about writing a (mostly) writing blog is that the advice never goes out of style.

  3. I’ll look for The Company Man. However, The Mushroom Shift is my next purchase for my kindle.

What are your thoughts?