
Published May 15, 2018 by Nan Mykel

Exquisite insight…I’m reblogging

Drift of Bubbles

If you’ve ever been a victim of trauma, or have done something you wish you hadn’t. Made a grievous mistake, or chosen a relationship poorly, you know what it is to wince at something from your past.  This is for us, the mistake makers.
The prompt for Day 2 is “Disguise.”


The deepest heart is secret, sometimes even to oneself
Horrors reside there, often concealed on a private shelf.
Behind lovely afternoons, indulgent lazy mornings,
precious private moments, lie alarm bells and dire warnings:
No trespass! No Entry! Go no further! Access denied!
And yet, heart racing, pushing forward, bewildered, untried,
our curious minds must see, and when revealed, revulsion
results, dread that, yes, this truth was real. Bitter compulsion
forces us to face that dire truth, but makes us disguise
it again, to hide it before our very self should capsize.


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