Inktober – One Week down!!

It’s that time of the year and so far I have done seven drawings. That’s a new high. Usually do one or two and stop.

Blue uniball in a stillman and birn alpha.

It’s the smallest stillman and birn. 4×6”
Thought I might actually do the drawings if I didn’t have too much space to fill up. So far that’s working.
Giving me the Jack Russel state. No idea what she wanted.

And a superhero quilt for my oldes grandson. His request.

And a car quilt for my youngest grandson whose two.

Also baked and baked and then baked some more. Pumpkin spices cookies. Choc chip cookies. Scratch biscuits. A quiche. Pumpkin streusel muffins. I am tired now. Nite nite.

Margaret xoxoxox

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