
snowdropAh spring. I’m so happy you’ve arrived. It’s good knowing the seasons have officially changed even if the weather hasn’t yet caught up with the plan.

The mountains of snow are a quarter of the size they were a few weeks ago. Thaw has revealed all sorts of things — some good and some ghastly. Lots of sticks too. My old puppy wanted a stick the other day. Even in her dotage she wanted it. Labs are bred to have OCD. Their obsession to retrieve something, anything, is what makes them fine hunting dogs. She was wearing herself out trying to pull this frozen stick from the snow. Thinking I’d help, I kicked what I assumed was melting snow and learned the hard way that it was actually a mountain of solid ice. I do believe I’ve broken my big toe. lol

Ya gotta laugh or you’d cry.

I’d planned to finish all the assorted calking and sealing today but that means bending this toe. We’re expecting rain today. The toe confirms this. In fact, the toe is adamant about it. I might just take the morning off and put my foot up.

I had to walk the dogs on their leashes yesterday. My toe was shooting daggers of pain up my leg. Ouch. I don’t normally leash walk them but we had strangers in the labyrinth. My husband and I have always felt if people found our labyrinth and walked it, they were meant to. An hour passed and they were still in the labyrinth. The pups couldn’t wait on these people to leave. Dogs are all about their schedules you know. The little dog is like a clock. She knows what time it is and woe to you if you forget it. You’ll be herded and pushed around the house until you get back on the clock. The old dog could easily go anywhere… inside or out. She really doesn’t think about it anymore, so I have to. Hence the schedule.
Anyway…as I limped my way around the yard I saw up close what an ugly post-winter mess it is. I saw a single snowdrop off my front porch. I normally have bunches but I think the winter’s polar vortex was too much.  My bower roses took a winter’s beating too. And then there’s the damage from the deer…

We’re surrounded by habitat and in it we have five distinct groups of deer living at five key points around my house. Of the five, we have “yard deer” — front yard deer and back yard deer. The yard deer are the deer that treat the small space we occupy in this vastness like it’s theirs. They have no respect for our hostas and gardens, and I can count on both hands the fruit trees we’ve tried to grow and eventually gave up on. Deer have always been a presence here. Tracks even suggest they walk around the house and peer through windows.

One morning several years back, I got that goose walked over your grave sensation that I was being watched as I stood pouring myself a cup of coffee.  I turned to the patio door to find a doe with her sticky wet nose pressed against the glass watching me. She pretended she’d just come to eat the roedeersunflower seeds I’d left out for the birds. This was a very odd-looking doe with her wide flat head and short thick neck. A facial deformity or perhaps genes from a deer park escapee had given her a head that looked more like a roe deer than a white tail deer. Compare the deer above to this one.
<<< In profile, her head was shape like a jug.

The next day Jughead came back with her daughter. Two days later she returned with her daughter and her younger twins: a little buck we called Bucky and another little doe. They came back often until little Bucky started growing his antlers, then he stopped visiting. Jughead and older daughter were regular visitors for three years and then Jughead was gone. The daughter returned once more, then she too had moved on. Perhaps bored with watching us.

The signs around the yard tell me the deer have been on the patio again eating last summer’s dried hosta leaves and peering into the house. It makes me wonder if they’re Jughead’s descendants or just some other rude animals.


Another 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, 002xbqktI’ll post something from my chosen topic: Words on the Verge of Extinction. There are 22 entries to come.

Here’s one for today:

Antipelargy (noun 1656-1731)

reciprocal or mutual kindness; love and care of children for their parents


I’ve temporarily cut back on blogging cleanfor my put-my-life-back-in-order spring cleaning — a project known far and wide as the Annual Purge. Thanks for stopping by even if there isn’t much new to see. I have no time for blogging right now, but the extinct word of the day is updated daily.

I’ll be blogging full bore in April with the A to Z Challenge. My list is growing. Only K, X, Y, Z left. Topics will mostly cover fascinating aspects from history with a few science wows thrown in for good measure. I have a healthy sense of wonder. I promise your imagination will fly with mine.  🙂
My imagination is already flying and I haven’t written my posts yet! What a wondrous world.

Coming soon to my satellite blog ~
Authors_in_Bloom-300x250All authors have non-fiction lives outside of their novels. I certainly do. That’s why I haven’t been blogging much. For being a shy wallflower, I’ve done some pretty strange things in my life. Most of these I lay squarely at the feet of the interesting man I married. You might say he’s the outboard motor on my life’s boat.  lol Were I to list them you’d see things like fire-walking and old house restoration, black-powder competitions and meditation, French Intensive gardening and pounding bronze on a forge, Reiki and wilderness canoeing. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It appears I’ve lived several lives simultaneously!  😀

For ten days in April I’ll be participating in the Authors in Bloom blog hop over on . This blog hop is all about showing the many facets to an author’s life. One of the more unusual things I’ve done in my life with this man of mine was lead wild foods programs for Chicago’s Field Museum. For this event I’ll be sharing my recipes. I hope you stop by. You may have delicious ingredients waiting in your backyard.


I’m participating in The Romance Reviews’ Anniversary party. My particular part in the contest is over, but the celebration runs all month long and there are a lot of prizes to be had. See what I have up on my newest satellite blog:


4 Us iconSee what’s happening on the blog today

Check out the newest contest on our website. We have Leprechauns to find! Our March contest will have 5 winners with one Grand Prize Winner: $50 gift card for Amazon/B&N. Other prizes will be split randomly among the remaining 4 winners.


all7books-smallLove Waits in Unexpected Places – Scorching Samplings of Unusual Love Stories

Download your copy of my free 1st and 2nd chapter sampler, I write what I’d like to read so my stories are rich in realistic/historically correct dialogue and factual information. My multidimensional characters are the sort you’d welcome into your home to share a cup of tea or a beer. Pssst… I wouldn’t open the door to the villains…



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante who loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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14 Responses to Guests

  1. Ray G says:

    A great blog in honor of Spring. We have some flowers in out front yard that bloom every Spring even if they have been victims of the lawn mower. On the way home the other day I noticed they were in full bloom.

    • I enjoy when flowers magically appear. I’ll see nothing for weeks then seemingly overnight I’ll have a lawn filled with blue scilla and a labyrinth carpeted with purple violets. I get a kick out of mushrooms appearing overnight too. We have an old growth maple woods about 45 minutes drive from here. If conditions are right in mid-autumn the entire woods fills with giant puffball mushrooms. Hundreds of white mushrooms from golf ball size to soccer ball size. I was speechless the first time I saw it.

  2. mikey2ct says:

    Lovely post, Rose. Have you tried epsom salts in a foot bath? Stay off the foot, if possible. I know with your schedule – that is next to impossible.

    • I haven’t tried epsom salts yet, that’s a great idea, Mike. I think I’ll go do that now. I taped and calked today and saw stars when I had to get down in the floor to seal around the tub. Bending toes are essential to standing. Tomorrow I think I will wrap my toe in a bandage. Maybe that’ll help.

  3. Calisa Rhose says:

    Aha! Great post, Rose. I enjoy deer in the yard, but never get any of my own here. Our yappers keep pretty much everything, but the opossum away. lol

  4. Calisa Rhose says:

    Have you tried cayenne pepper sprinkled around plants to keep vermin out? They sniff it up and it won’t hurt them, but is not pleasant to snort. 🙂

  5. I think jughead was trying to will you to put out something more substantial for her to eat. Nice post.

  6. Lovely to see your Spring blog post, Rose. I so enjoyed your earlier posts before the Annual Purge. My purge is in full swing but seems more daunting this year. So much more to get rid of for some reason, perhaps I’m in the mood to let go of more than in the past… it’s been a theme of late. What lovely deer you have, my dear!

  7. What a lovely post, Rose. You live in a wonderful environment. I love deer, but they can be a real pest. I hope you find a way to dissuade them from ruining your beautiful plants. And I hope your toe gets better. Maybe keeping your foot up with an ice pack on for a while might help. Hope the real Spring comes soon for you!

    • Thanks Helena. 🙂 I’m fortunate to live in one of the loveliest places imaginable. One day I’ll move on from here and it’ll likely break my heart. I gave up on the deer long ago. Every one of them is a sneak-thief that comes in the night to nibble. I still love seeing them though. I’ll never tire of that.

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