Faith · poetry


In a coracle
No oar
Belonging only
To the One
Who authors
And winds

This is my response to the W3 prompt this week which is to write a free verse poem of not more than 12 lines with a theme of belonging.

I’ve been feeling a bit at loose ends lately, like I’ve lost my footing. Even my faith, which has been my bedrock, has felt shaky. Belonging to a church feels like a crock. Speaking Christianese, which once felt so natural, now feels false.

I am, indeed, unmoored — and yet I belong.

13 thoughts on “Adrift

  1. It seems very much that His are being sifted, just as He said to Peter (as well as to all who would encounter those words one day), but He went on to publicly bank on Peter, knowing that He Himself would be interceding. It’s a tough time..🌹 Masterful free verse, Sally.

  2. as they say , ” this too shall pass”….I hope it does soon for you, Sally .

    and through it all….”I am, indeed, unmoored — and yet I belong.”

    thank you , Sally 🌷🤍🙏

  3. Heartfelt, painful honesty – hanging on with a divine thread – everything said in so few words. They say pain makes the best poetry, your words entered my heart 💞Suzanne

  4. I know the pain that often accompanies this sense of drift. I’m sorry that you’re experiencing it, but I’m also really glad that you’re clinging to the truth of your belonging.

  5. Beautifully written, Sally! 💞 I hope He caresses you with gentle winds and rocks you in calm seas on your journey. 💞

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