
Early Morning Gratitude Check


Tea kettle on the stove.  Check.

Purring cat on the couch.  Check.

Furnace rumbling in the basement.  Check.

Family sleeping upstairs.  Check.

Day on the horizon.  Check.

Gratitude within.  Check and check.

When is your best time of day for a gratitude check?

Photo:  I bought this papier mache sun on a trip to Mexico about twenty years ago.  Mr. or MRS. Sun greets me every morning when I come into this old kitchen to make my first cup of tea.  I’m a Lipton girl all the way.

Giveaway:  Congratulations to Judy, who won the happiness book.  Happy reading!

14 thoughts on “Early Morning Gratitude Check”

  1. A gratitude check first thing in the morning – good idea! Esp. the mornings when I am grumpiest. I love Mrs. Sun. And it has to be Mrs. with those eyelashes! She would perk me up any morning.


  2. yes, wonderful post to start the day off!! my best time for a check is when i close my eyes at bedtime. it is a nice way to reflect on the day and realize there is so much to be grateful for. it also keeps my mind from racing on to “my worries” of the day.


  3. Your list reminds me of Psalm 100:4-5
    “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful to HIm, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.”

    AN attitude of thanksgiving sure keeps a complaining spirit away!

    Morning is good for me. Liked your list!


  4. Evening is best for me before falling asleep–that is if I am awake long enough to even think about things! I am a morning person and hit the floor running. No time to think about what I am grateful for before heading off to work.


  5. It happens automatically to me twice a day – in the evening just before bed when I sneak into my daughter’s room to check on her; at 5:20AM when I go downstairs and check on her again. No better way to both start and end my day!


  6. I love that you are grateful for things we sometimes take for granted. And I’m grateful for things I’ve gotten on vacations that I still love decades later


    1. If I had to do it over again, I would buy more stuff on trips. I always hesitate because trips are $$, and you think you shouldn’t spend more, but the stuff you buy is so much fun years later.


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