
Sudden change of mind: Obama Warns Ukraine Against Military Action on Protesters in East

Obama’s warning came as Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov granted sweeping powers to the army and police. The Western-backed leader’s security service said earlier in the day that it’s undertaking a nationwide operation to restore public order, giving the military authority to search, detain and even fire on Ukrainians.


Sudden change of mind: Obama Warns Ukraine Against Military Action on Protesters in East


By Angela Greiling Keane and James G. Neuger May 2nd, 2014 11:27 PM GMT+0100


President Barack Obama warned Ukraine’s military against intervening to halt anti-government protests in East, as the U.S. and European Union moved toward imposing sanctions on self-appointed Ukrainian officials.

“We hold the Ukrainian government primarily responsible in making sure it is dealing with peaceful protesters and civilians in an appropriate way,” Obama told reporters before a meeting with EU partners. “That includes making sure the Ukrainian military does not step in to resolve issues that could be resolved by civilians.”

The U.S. and EU are weighing freezing the assets of Ukraine’s most powerful officials and denying them travel visas after a crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in Slavyansk left at least 3 dead and stirred fears of a civil war.

Obama’s warning came as Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov granted sweeping powers to the army and police. The Western-backed leader’s security service said earlier in the day that it’s undertaking a nationwide operation to restore public order, giving the military authority to search, detain and even fire on Ukrainians.

Turchynov said on his website the government and the opposition will continue talks to stop the bloodshed.

Obama said the U.S. would keep engaging all sides in the conflict and is working with the EU on a response. “There will be consequences if our people in Kiev step over the line,” he said.


Obama’s sudden change of mind sent “shockwaves around the world- and many Western leaders are now distancing themselves openly from “bloody thirsty” self-appointed regime in Kiev, as they revealed their real face….



……But, wait a moment. The above article, actually is the “Orwellian translation” of US President Obama statement on Ukraine situation, back in February. USA and Western powers support democracy and condemn the use of military force against civilians around the world- only when that suits their political agenda. So much about Western “morality”….

John Bosnitch This very smart re-packaging of Obama’s biased warning from February as a warning needed BUT NOT FORTHCOMING from „President HOPE-less“ today tells the whole story as it truly is… Washington has NEVER stopped it’s aggression against Russia, who they never ceased seeing as the ENEMY…

And, this is the original article, we presented you above, with slight change of couple words. Final conclusions, we leave with you, dear readers:



Obama Warns Ukraine Against Military Action on Protesters

By Angela Greiling Keane and James G. Neuger Feb 19, 2014 11:27 PM GMT+0100

President Barack Obama warned Ukraine’s military against intervening to halt anti-government protests as the U.S. and European Union moved toward imposing sanctions on Ukrainian officials.

“We hold the Ukrainian government primarily responsible in making sure it is dealing with peaceful protesters in an appropriate way,” Obama told reporters before a meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto at a North American leaders summit in Toluca, Mexico. “That includes making sure the Ukrainian military does not step in to resolve issues that could be resolved by civilians.”

The U.S. and EU are weighing freezing the assets of Ukraine’s most powerful officials and denying them travel visas after a crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in Kiev left at least 25 dead and stirred fears of a civil war.

Obama’s warning came as Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych granted sweeping powers to the army and police and before he declared a temporary truce with opposition leaders. The Russian-backed leader’s security service said earlier in the day that it’s undertaking a nationwide operation to restore public order, giving the military authority to search, detain and even fire on Ukrainians.

Yanukovych said on his website the government and the opposition will continue talks to stop the bloodshed

Obama said the U.S. would keep engaging all sides in the conflict and is working with the EU on a response. “There will be consequences if people step over the line,” he said.



Re-edited and translated from the Globalist’ Orwellian language into “plain English”, by Serbian FBReporter…


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    Fri, 2 May 2014 14:58:19 +0000 от „СРБски ФБРепортер“ : >уредник posted: „Obama’s warning came as Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov granted sweeping powers to the army and police. The Western-backed leader’s security service said earlier in the day that it’s undertaking a nationwide operation to restore public order, givi“ >

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