Exploring the World of Kebabs: A Culinary Journey from Iraq to India

Hey, foodies! Today I want to talk about one of my favourite dishes: kebabs. You might think you know what a kebab is, but did you know that there are many different types of kebabs in different cuisines? In this blog post, I will compare and contrast the kebabs of Iraq and India, two countries with rich and diverse culinary traditions.

What is a Kebab?

Kebab is a term that encompasses various dishes of cooked meat, usually originating from Middle Eastern cuisine. The word kebab comes from the Arabic kabāb, which means “roasted meat”, and was adopted by other languages such as Hindi, Persian and Turkish. It is a general term that covers a variety of meat dishes that are cooked on a skewer over a fire, in a pan, or as a stew.

The history of kebabs can be traced back to ancient times when nomadic peoples in Central Asia would skewer pieces of meat over a fire. Roasting small chunks of meat is a process dating back to antiquity. Evidence of hominin use of fire and cooking in the Middle East dates back as far as 790,000 years, and prehistoric hearths, earth ovens, and burnt animal bones were spread across Europe and the Middle East by at least 250,000 years ago.

Iraqi Kebabs

Middle Eastern nomads and later soldiers cooked meat over an open fire. Smaller pieces of meat need less fuel than large cuts, so cooking these chunks was practical in an area where wood and even brambles were in limited quantity, this cooking technique was also valuable when the time was also of the essence.

Later, in urban settings, kebab dishes evolved to include vegetables and sauces, and were served with bread or rice. Today, kebab is a popular and diverse food that can be found in many regions of the world, with different types, ingredients and preparations.

Iraqi Kebabs

First, let’s talk about Iraqi kebabs. Iraqi cuisine has developed over the course of a long and rich history. Iraqis have a deep appreciation for their own cuisine. I am told that kebabs appear in a book from the southern Iraqi city of Basra called Kitab al-Bukhala (The Book of Misers). It was written by Abu Uthman Amr ibn Bahr al-Kinani al-Basri (776–869 CE), nicknamed Al-Jahiz. He was a leading literary figure who lived during the early Abbasid era. The miser in this story is a courtly man who invites people to his garden. He tells the guests, “Here’s the stream, and here’s the fire. Catch your fish and make your kebab.”

The Iraqi cookbook Kitab al-Tabikh (Book of Dishes) by Mohammed ibn Al-Hasan Al Baghdadi, written in 1226 CE contained recipes using meatballs called kebab. 

In Iraq, kebabs are an integral part of the national cuisine and culture. They are served in special restaurants called kebab houses, where customers can choose from different types of meat, such as lamb, beef, chicken or fish. The most common type of kebab in Iraq is the shish kebab, which is made of skewered chunks of marinated meat that are grilled over natural wood charcoal. The meat is usually seasoned with sumac, cumin, paprika and other spices, and it is sprinkled with fresh parsley before serving. Shish kebab is often accompanied by grilled vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions and peppers, as well as bread, rice, salad and sauces.

Another popular type is the tikka kebab, similar to shish kebab but using smaller pieces of meat cut from specific parts of the animal, like the ribs or liver. Tikka kebab is also grilled over charcoal and served with similar sides.

A unique Iraqi kebab is the kubba halab kebab, made of minced meat mixed with bulgur wheat, onions, parsley, and spices. The mixture is shaped into balls or cylinders, stuffed with cheese or nuts, and then deep-fried or baked, served with yoghurt sauce.

You can find these kebabs everywhere in Iraq, from street vendors to restaurants to home kitchens. They are usually served with a flatbread called khubz, which is soft and fluffy, perfect for wrapping around the meat. Add some sauces or dips like hummus, tahini, yoghurt, or tomato sauce for extra flavour.

I particularly love the Iraqi kebab for its tender, flavourful meat and the refreshing touch of amba, a fermented mango condiment that’s a little sour, a little spicy, and slightly funky if fermented.

Indian Kebabs

Indian kebabs are also a beloved dish, reflecting the diversity and richness of Indian cuisine. Though skewered meat dishes are noted in ancient Indian texts like the Mahabharata, the concept of kebabs in India became prominent during the Delhi Sultanate (1206–1526 CE) and Mughal eras. According to Ibn Battuta (1304-1369 CE), a Moroccan traveller, kebabs were served in royal households and enjoyed by commoners for breakfast with naan.

Though spit- or skewer-cooked meat dishes are noted in an ancient Indian text, the Mahabharata, and an early 12th-century Sanskrit text Manasollasa (the Delights Of The Mind) composed by the Kalyani Chalukya king Bhulokamalla Someshvara III (reigned 1127–1138 CE). The title Manasollasa (मानसोल्लास) is a compound Sanskrit word, consisting of manas (मनस्) or “mind” and ullasa (उल्लास) or “delight”. The Manasollasa talks about bhaditrakam — a dish made by cutting lamb or goat into small pieces, stringing the pieces on iron skewers and cooking them on hot coals. There is a graphic description of cooking kebabs and the text is South Indian Hindu in origin, which shows no traces of Middle Eastern influences.

Indian kebabs are typically marinated in yoghurt and spices such as ginger, garlic, turmeric, cumin, coriander, and garam masala. They are usually served with flatbreads like naan or roti, rice, salad, chutney, and raita, a yoghurt-based sauce with cucumber and mint.

Kebabs are integral to Indian cuisine, offering a variety of delicious options for meat lovers and vegetarians alike. Whether it’s the succulent Mughlai kebabs made rich with aromatic spices and dry fruits or the rustic pre-Mughal kebabs with their chewy, char-grilled chunks, there’s a kebab for every palate.

Comparing Iraqi and Indian Kebabs

Both Iraqi and Indian kebabs share the primary ingredients of meat but differ in seasoning and cooking methods. Iraqi kebabs often feature lamb or beef seasoned with Middle Eastern spices and cooked over charcoal, while Indian kebabs might include chicken, fish, or vegetables marinated in yoghurt and spices, cooked in a tandoor.

Both cuisines serve kebabs with bread and rice, though the types of bread and accompanying sauces vary. Iraqi kebabs are typically served with khubz and sauces like hummus or tahini, whereas Indian kebabs are paired with naan or roti and chutneys or raita.


As you can see, both Iraqi and Indian kebabs are delicious and satisfying dishes that reflect the culture and history of their respective regions. Everyone loves kebabs, and it’s hard to resist those scrumptious pieces of meat cooked with different styles and spices, each offering a unique taste. If you ever get the chance, try them both—you won’t regret it!

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