Advocacy group Support Not Separation is holding its monthly demonstration outside the Central Family Court in London today.

The protests hope to raise awareness about the way mothers and children experiencing poverty are discriminated against inside Britain’s family courts.

SNS is a movement created by support service Legal Action for Women (LAW). The demos take place on the first Wednesday of every month.

LAW says women living under the poverty line are targeted by social services who remove a disproportionate number of children from their care, on grounds which are often questionable. The organisation says the incidence of removal increases when a mother experiences intimate partner violence (domestic abuse).

LAW has found that children in these cases are frequently placed with the abusive parent, against the wishes of the child who is either fearful for their own safety or the safety of the non-abusive parent.

The demonstration takes place today from 12.30pm – 1.30pm, outside the London Family Court: First Ave House, 42-49 High Holborn, WC1V 6NP. Twitter users can engage with the demonstration by following and tweeting @NotSeparation.