Oakland County residents, please take note. This petition was posted on LMB’s Facebook page this morning.  Yet another great example of effective grassroots organizing and the need for comprehensive Complete Streets policies in Michigan.

Keep Our Kids Safe – Support Square Lake Road Bike Path

Sign petition here: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/finish-square-lake-to-opdyke-bike-path.html
This is a dangerous stretch of road that has no bike path or sidewalk, near the I-75 ramps.

Target: Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services
Background: The Bloomfield Hills Surf Club was established in 1962 as a private community swim club serving dozens of surrounding communities. In 1966, the I-75 business loop cut through these communities leaving the Surf Club isolated from those communities.

With the population growth in the area over the past 40 years, it is impossible for children to get to and from the Surf Club and the surrounding neighborhoods safely without the use of a motor vehicle. Surrounding the area are numerous bike and pedestrian paths, but none that allow for the safe passage across the 6 lane, I-75 feeder section of Square Lake Road. In addition, the surrounding communities have no access to newer paths connecting to the larger Clinton River Trail and Oakland County trail system.

Without pedestrian access to this area, the community immediately surrounding the Surf Club has no safe access to the Oakland County trail system, and The Surf Club is inaccessible to families that would like to safely visit without the use of a motor vehicle.

Sign the Square Lake Woodward to Opdyke extension Petition –
Online petition – Keep Our Kids Safe – Support Square Lake Road Bike Path