Arkidmitra’s Blog

June 23, 2010

Seed Accelerators and the status of the funded companies

Filed under: Startups, Technology — Tags: , , — arkidmitra @ 4:03 pm

There is a lot of buzz about Seed Funds and how carefully the funding happens.I wanted to figure out how actually these companies which get seed funding are actually doing.

Y Combinator - How are the companies doing?

Y Combinator - How are the companies doing?

I found this spread sheet which solved my query to a good extent.

You Can see the complete spreadsheet here.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Arkid Mitra, Arkid Mitra and MicroReviews, MicroReviews. MicroReviews said: Seed Accelerators and the status of the funded companies by @ArchieIndian […]

    Pingback by Tweets that mention Seed Accelerators and the status of the funded companies | -- — June 23, 2010 @ 4:39 pm

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