I’m off on a Great Adventure

+JMJ+ I’ve been listening to Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible In A Year podcast. I wish I’d realized that he was uinsg the Great Adventure Bible, the one Jeff Cavins came up with. What a cool Bible study tool his Bible Timeline is. I took a course of that at a parish back in 2010 (that long ago?) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I still have the workbook, dug it out this weekend. Got my Great Adventure Bible a few days ago, too. Not for doing the podcast, at the time I ordered it I had no idea he was using it. I almost didn’t even listen to the podcast because I wanted to use the Bible Timeline method. Little did I know!

I’ve been posting some brief threads on Twitter after listening to the episodes. (See list of Twitter threads here.) Got behind almost immediately because of technical difficulties this weekend. Really, anything that could give me trouble started giving me trouble. It would be funny if it weren’t quite so annoying. I even spilled tea on my laptop. (Oh, yes, nodded off and spilled what was blessedly an almost empty cup, but I’m still dealing with a few keys that want to stick. Blessedly, again, it’s mostly keys I don’t often use so there’s that. My Guardian Angel was watching over me. That poor angel, he has his hands full, that’s for sure.) Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get back on track. There are four brief threads linked right now. Many more to come, the Good Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise. (I live on a lake, well, not on it but near it. Maybe I should rephrase that whole thing…Nah. I’d only make it worse.)

In the podcast Fr. Mike reads from the Bible’s historical books, and then from one of the books connected to it to provide context. In the Bible Timeline there are 14 narrative historical books and 12 time periods of salvation history. The rest of the books fit in to that structure and in this way we can begin to see the Big Story that so often eludes us when we sit down to read a bit of the Bible here, another bit there. Until I listened to Jeff Cavins and Scott Hahn do this in their EWTN series, Our Father’s Plan, I had no idea that anyone understood what was going on. That’s where I first heard of the Bible Timeline

We carried Scott Hahn’s book, A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God’s Covenant Love in Scripture, in our bookstore and it was always a best seller for us. I’ve also bought copies and given them away to many people. Maybe it’ll be time to do that again soon. (Read more here and here about my conversion in which that little bookstore played a rather large part.) 

There are many ways to listen to the Bible In A Year podcast. (Oh, yeah, I was talking about the podcast, wasn’t I?) Scroll down that page to see a list, including Apple Podcasts and YouTube. You can also sign up to get updates in your inbox. Highly recommended. (If you’ve been studying this stuff for a while, you might consider doing this as a refresher. You’ll still benefit from it because of the daily reading of Scripture even if you only get to spend a few minutes with it. As time goes on, I expect to be drawn more deeply into the Word. I hope so, anyway. I long for it.

Thanks for visiting the blog and reading. I pray that you and I will stay holy and virtuous during this new year, so that we soak in the Scriptures and become who the Lord intends us to be: SAINTS. God bless you and may His Peace be always with you. +JMJ+ 

Join me on Fridays for the Rosary Project Live on X (formerly known as Twitter) at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, at the pinned thread on my profile page, to cultivate a culture of Light, Life, Love, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, for the conversion of sinners, and for the salvation of souls. Optional Preparation thread begins at 15 minutes before. There’s also a Rosary here on the blog that you can use anytime, 24/7/365.

“The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.” — Padre Pio

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Image credit: The Great Adventure Bible.

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