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Drunken Stampers Challenge #73 & an announcement

Thank you to everyone who played along with last week’s inspiration photo challenge, we loved seeing how everyone was inspired.  Before we get to this week’s challenge we just wanted to let everyone know that we will be taking July and August off here at the Drunken Stampers to enjoy summer and rejuvenate our creative souls!  This week’s challenge will be open all summer, you have lots of time to play along.

Okay, onto this week’s challenge, we are celebrating summer with some delicious grown up drinks, cool refreshing fruity cocktails perfect for a hot summer day!  I know I can’t wait for a hot day to enjoy a cool refreshing drink down by the lake!




will have her card up soon 🙂



When you are finished your card or project, click on the Linky Tools link below and add your blog link, gallery link, etc. (for more info on how to participate please click How do I participate? tab) Please add the link directly to your project (any generic blog links will be deleted from the list) then please leave us a comment. (if Linky Tools isn’t working or just misbehavin’ please leave a comment with the link to your card) You have until Friday, September 2nd at 11:59 PST to post your link.

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Then be sure to check out what everyone else has done and spread the love by leaving a comment for them! (‘cuz we all love comments )

We can’t wait to see all of your cards and projects! Thank you for visiting us this week!
