Home > Lessons for the Modern Man, Men and Spirituality, Mystic Messages, Thoughts on Mystic Messages > ROSEMARY’S EXPLORATION: Struggling? You’re Not Alone!

ROSEMARY’S EXPLORATION: Struggling? You’re Not Alone!

It seems these days as if everyone is struggling with something. Career, relationship, family, money, health, spiritual questions, life direction. Are you struggling in some area of your life?

What is our tendency when we struggle? We tend to want to hide behind our smiles and say that we’re ‘fine.’ What a loaded word that can be!

Now I’m not advocating that you go around telling everyone all your troubles because that keeps you focused on your drama, your story, instead of the possibilities that are in front of you. But the most important one with whom you can be honest is yourself. Are you honestly facing your situation? Your needs?

Sometimes the worst thing about struggling is the feeling that we are so alone in our situation, that we can’t share with anyone else. We’re ashamed to be struggling or that we’re in our situation or we’re afraid ‘they’ won’t love us anymore if they knew the real story.

These are natural feelings but they don’t have to keep you isolated. The problem with shame is that it holds you back from learning your lessons and living your magnificence. Fear of the loss of love is a common reason to stay mum about what is going on in our lives.

Can you find someone to help you? Maybe it would help to take a good, trusted friend into your confidence. Or find an expert who can give you information so you can choose a path forward. You might be keeping yourself paralyzed simply because you don’t have enough information to make a good decision. This problem can be solved by getting more information.

I would caution you here from joining a support group that tells the same story over and over which can keep you stuck in the problem instead of helping you to find a solution. If you join a group, make sure that it supports you in moving forward, not in staying stuck.

The real growth comes when you are honest with yourself about your life, your situation and your options. This might require help to discern. A coach, mentor or counselor can be your best friend through a transformational process. Even if you ARE a coach/mentor/counselor, you will benefit from seeking your own support!

No one needs to go through this time of amazing transformation alone! Whether you are looking at this time through the lens of esoteric predictions or astrology or cosmological insights or prophecies, we are in a time of change.

Those who are awake and aware realize that living a conscious life means stepping up to the transformation that is offered. This is not for the faint of heart but the rewards are great.

Reach out to your guides for the information that you need to make the decisions that will help you to leap forward in your personal growth. Use the tools of self knowledge that can help you to understand your Soul Purpose and Journey as well as your personality tendencies. Scientific Hand Analysis, Astrology, Numerology, Enneagram, Meyers-Briggs, DISC. Which tool speaks to you?

Do you meditate? Ask your inner wisdom for the guidance that you need at this time. And find a mentor to hold your hand on the journey. You might even assemble a team of experts to support you.

Are you ready to transform? Are you feeling that you’re struggling? Reach out and take a hand that is extended to you and share the journey. We’re here for a reason. Everyone who is sensitive at all is feeling the importance of these times and knows that the struggles are a part of the process.

Hold onto your hat! Big things are coming. And keep holding onto the hand of that mentor who is helping you through the struggles. You are not alone!









PS: Do you feel ready for the coming transformations? Are you in the flow and ready for that next opportunity coming your way? Or, are you struggling along with so many people these days? If you need answers for questions like “what is my next step?” Rosemary can help. Schedule a FREE Discovery Session with her to be sure you are ready! Schedule Here

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