Add Homophobe to the List of Rehberg’s Endearing Qualities

by jhwygirl

Lovely. Via The Hill, LiTW, Montana Netroots, the Helena Independent, KPAX, Great Falls Tribune, KXMC (North Dakota!), we all get a sense of Denny’s sense of humor:

When you’re from Montana, it’s hard to find things to do — so practical jokes come in handy.  Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) recently played a gag on Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) on their Middle East congressional delegation trip last month.

Rehberg left an “Idaho Travel Package” on Simpson’s airplane seat.

Contents included a stuffed sheep with gloves attached to it (draw your own conclusions), a Village People CD, books on cross-dressing and sign language and a T-shirt that reads, “My senator may not be gay, but my governor is Butch.”

Rehberg is proud of the gift bag. “I spent a bit of time putting the things together,” he boasted.

(name missing) was amused but not surprised that Rehberg was the bearer of such presents. “You can always find those materials in Montana,” he said, laughing.


The Montana Human Rights Network(MHRN) is calling on Rehberg – who is up for re-election this November – to apologize. “We find this highly insulting, especially from a lawmaker with a consistent anti-gay voting record,” said Christine Kaufmann, director of the Montana Human Rights Network, and a state Senator.

The MHRN, which recently launched its Equality Project, and the Community Center of Missoula, have requested a meeting with Rep. Rehberg to discuss the prank and his voting record. “He uses us for jokes, while he votes to continue employment discrimination. He plays silly pranks while he votes against hate crimes protections,” said Kaufmann, “We’re not laughing.”

Like Shane said, this guy’s got to go. He’s an embarrassment for all of Montana.

  1. What an embarrassing little mental weakling.

  2. Spot-on. Not only does he pull that crap, he brags about it.

    Very Conrad-esque.

  3. They’ve got a wide stance?

    Sorry. Shane made me do it.

  4. Big Swede

    Does Ms Kaufmann own some overly sensitive sheep, is that why she’s so offended?

  5. Hey Einstein – keep on postin’, because you’re only hurting the ballclub.

    Come on back, seriously, anytime.

  6. Big Swede

    Ok jhwygirl, since your the brightest bulb here please make your prediction. Will Denny’s joke any any negative effect on the vote totals or will he break the 175,000 mark. Einstein betting on 175,000+…..any takers?

  7. Time will tell, Swede. There’s 9 months until the election. Lots can happen in 9 months.

    Hell, a new Democratic Congressman could be born…..

    “Walk me out, in Morning Dew, my friend”

  8. JokeLover

    Since when is a good-hearted joke that has adult humor a tell-tale sign of homophobia? When is the last time you laughed at adult humor? If answer more than 12 months. . . get a personality. How about we give Rehberg some thumbs up for being real? The joke seemed to me to be an example of adult humor, not a homophobic faux pas.

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    […] Minister Gordon Brown’s grilling by senior MPs on the Commons liaison committee. (31 clicks) Add Homophobe to the List of Rehberg’s Endearing Qualitiesby jhwygirl Lovely. Via The Hill, LiTW, … My ASL Classroom Philosophy: A Safe Place to LearnCollege teaching has been my vocation for so many […]

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    […] Add Homophobe to the List of Rehberg’s Endearing Qualities […]

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