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Where the Socks Go

While getting ready yesterday, I chose a shirt that has a sort of ruffle type design on the front.

I noticed part of the shirt seemed to have come undone from the shirt.

There was a part that was puffier than the rest.

I thought I would have to start over.

Find something else to wear.

Probably another skirt, different shoes, different jewelry.

My plan was interrupted and now I would run late.

With a closer look, I realized it was a sock.

Yes, a sock was stuck to the shirt. They were both black, therefore it was hard to tell at first.

When I took the time to pay attention…to truly see what was going on…what seemed like an annoyance turned into laughter.

Take the time today to look a little closer.

Things aren’t always as bad as they may seem at first. You never know, your obstacle might just be a sock.

kimdcrawford 6.10.16

One comment on “Where the Socks Go

  1. What a great theological lesson!


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