
Hedy Lamarr’s Moodiness – Part 2

This is taken from Jean Pierre Aumont’s autobiography “Sun and Shadow.”  Hedy met Jean Pierre Aumont after she attained a divorce from John Loder and was looking for her fourth husband. I don’t know much about their relationship except for the fact that there was one. And I’m not a huge fan of Mr. Aumont but I am very well aware that Hedy Lamarr is not the easiest person on earth to live with, especially if you’re just normal people. Plus, she was then already a mother of two children, facing with the unsuccessfulness of her new movie, Dishonored Lady, not knowing that Samson and Delilah, her biggest success was still right ahead. Jean Pierre, like many men, was attracted very much to her beauty but got panic over her temper. So read about his engagement to the most beautiful woman of the century so you can understand why they couldn’t make it!

beautiful as she was, the moodiness of the Austrian star began to worry me

beautiful as she was, the moodiness of the Austrian star began to worry me

“During dinner she pressed one of her knees, the lovelier of the two, against mine…

The following week, we were engaged.

I gave her a diamond ring and told my father, who had arrived in the States, to fly out to meet his future daughter in law. The marriage had been planned for the beginning of July.

But, beautiful as she was, the moodiness of the Austrian star began to worry me. One evening, when we were driving back from a concert, I braked a little too quickly. Hedy became hysterical, claiming that I had purposely tried to throw her against the windshield because I was jealous of her beauty…

The day my father arrived,  I went to meet him at the airport. Realizing that his arrival in some way made my engagement official, I was suddenly seized with panic.

“You take care of her” I said with cowardice unbefitting a gentleman, “I’ve had enough.” I jumped on the first plane for San Franciso, leaving the poor man standing there with his mouth open. I wasn’t yet mature enough to handle a Tyrolian temptress already three times divorced and nursing in her personality all the complexes and insecurities of our old Europe.

I returned to Hollywood. Hedy threw our ring in my face, and walked out.”

>> next part: Married to John Loder.

9 Responses to “Hedy Lamarr’s Moodiness – Part 2”

  1. 1 Peter Andres
    March 20, 2010 at 5:49 pm

    “Hedy became hysterical, claiming that I had purposely tried to throw her against the windshield because I was jealous of her beauty…”

    Oh, dear. This is why you should always slowly step on the brake when approaching a stop sign or traffic light with Hedy Lamarr in your car. 😉

    I’m not a fan of Mons. Aumont either, although I liked his performance as the dishonest circus magician married to Zsa Zsa Gabor in LILLI (1953). However, I only watched that film due to Mel Ferrer’s performance as the crippled puppeteer.

    • March 21, 2010 at 7:27 pm

      He’d better let her drive! She liked racing too. One of her favorite car racing partners was Charlie Chaplin. Her hobbies are just…full of nerves: hunting, racing?

  2. 3 Emma
    March 21, 2010 at 4:37 am

    I wonder… had Hedy EVER had a man in her life who was crazy and interesting enough to appreciate her personality? The men of her life seemed to me so BORING!

  3. 4 Lena Kim
    March 21, 2010 at 7:14 am

    I’m too not a fan of Jean Pierre. I read this autobiography and he’d better off go with the Grace Kelly type. Hedy, of course, was complex!

    I want to see Hedy with Errol Flynn and heard they did have something going on? Is this true? If yes, you should make a blog post about those two gorgeous, favorite people of mine!

  4. March 21, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    I don’t think it’s decent of him to left her in a sudden like that. Kind of a coward, eh?

    Lena Kim: Even Grace Kelly didn’t end up with him 😉

    • March 21, 2010 at 7:18 pm

      Oh yeah, I can see he was panic. If he couldn’t handle her now, no way he could after the marriage. The first time they met, he didn’t say “hello” but instead, “will you marry me?” He tried to talk her into doing some technicolor italian productions but she turned them all down…as she always did.

      Just in case you’re interested, when he was asked by the press if he wanted to marry Grace Kelly, and he said, “Who wouldn’t?”

  5. 8 Peter Andres
    March 21, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    “I read this autobiography and he’d better off go with the Grace Kelly type.”

    Yes, because Grace was a simple yet ambitious girl who craved instant sexual gratification. 😀

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“Beautiful: The Life of Hedy Lamarr”

New Book will be released on July 06 this year. Get yourself a copy since there will be rare pictures

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