Changes to the Snack Policy for the CFY Playroom

In March we will be switching over to our new nutrition policy as outlined by our funding guidelines. This policy is a wonderful opportunity for you and your family to explore new and healthy foods while attending the CFY Playroom Program.

Changes that will occur:

~ All juice will be replaced by 1% milk or water. We will no longer be serving any type of juice in our programming.

~ Snacks served by CFY will include at least three of the food groups outlined in Canada’s Food Guide

~ Parents are encouraged to bring a healthy snack when volunteering for snack days. However, baked or packaged goods are acceptable.

~ The CFY Playroom is a nut free facility

Thank you for your co-operation with our new food guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to discuss them with me.

Jenn Sedor

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