AQWorlds Walkthrough: The Magic Thief

March 24, 2012 at 11:16 AM | Posted in AQW Quests, AQWorlds News, Guides | 15 Comments
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Sounds Like Cysero
In order to move from room to room, you’re going to have to defeat the monsters in each room. Go left several screen s until you have the second chance to move up a screen. Go up that screen and then move to the left. You should find Cysero in that room. You can hand in the quest to him.

Go up that room and Cysero should be in it


Sounds Like Cysero
Turn in the quest here

Magic Flavored Misery
Fight Subsyras to get their flesh. To complete this quest, move to the right until you find Warlic and turn the quest in to him.


Magic Flavored Misery
Turn in the quest from Cysero here

Sending Out a Stress-OS
Continue to move right until you have the option to move up or out of the area. Go up and then go left and click on the arrow. To turn the quest in, go to the center of the area (where Conn and Benet are) and go to the palace.



Sending Out a Stress-OS
Turn in the quest here

Go left until there’s a gate with a bunch of little things on it. Click on it and then click on the gears in this order (I didn’t get a screenshot of the actual gate- only of the one that you see when walking). Click the top left one, the center left one and then the bottom right one.

If this doesn’t work- Try and click the center left one first, then the top left and then the bottom right one. I don’t remember too clearly…


Bridge Over Troubled Wellmet
Pretty sure you just have to walk across the bridge. Nothing big… I can’t be sure- I defeated the monsters before hand. A cutscene should start shortly after.

Focus On the Locus
Go back into the Twilight Slums to where Cysero was. Conn should be there as well.



Uhhh Whatever the next Quest is called…
Click on the arrows in the area and you should find the item you’re looking for. Note that there’s one extra arrow behind the eel in front of me- if you’ve clicked all the arrows and gotten nothing- it’s probably in the back of the monster in front of you

Demented Deorysa
Return to the Palace and go to where the gate was (one screen behind it) and there should be a bunch of Deorysa there. Slay 15 of them.

After fighting the Deorysa, fight the boss.



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  1. Someone pls help me with this… i got the demented deorysa quest complete but it wont turn it in. It keeps saying quest complete failed. Help pls????

    • You went to Conn right?

      • Please Help How Can I Complete The Quest

      • Which quest?

  2. I kill them and then pettivox but then there isnt even a quest turn in button???

    • Yeah there aren’t really a lot of turn in buttons in this whole thing. Uh. I’m pretty sure it automatically turns in

  3. yea same here, i completed the demented deorysa quest, but theres no turn in button for the quest when i went back to conn to complete the quest

    • There shouldn’t be a turn in button… at least I don’t think so… Uhh you might have to fight the boss?

  4. Same here, i already completed the quest and kill petivox, but theres still no turn in button

    • There shouldn’t be a turn in button… it should automatically turn in at some person who I, at the moment, can’t recall. There isn’t like. A single turn in button in this whole entire thing

      • oh god i killed boss 2 times no quest turn in đŸ˜¦

  5. I Got It

  6. There Should Be A Cutscene After You Defeated The Boss Then It Will Automatically Finish

  7. Uh-Oh! I’m in the demented deorysa quest but i have to Log-Out..and when i log-in..I Lost The Quest , Where To Get Them Back?

  8. hahaha so simple

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