Let's Get Honest! Absolutely Uncommon Analysis of Family & Conciliation Courts' Operations, Practices, & History

Identify the Entities, Find the Funding, Talk Sense!

Jumping through Hoops and Chasing One’s Tail, that is, if Conceptual Clarity on “CACs” ~~>And Navigating The Money Mazes Set up By Them~~> is the Goal. (This Example: Calico Center (San Leandro, CA) payees).

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Post title with shortlink;   Jumping through Hoops and Chasing One’s Tail, that is, if Conceptual Clarity on “CACs” ~>And Navigating The Money Mazes Set up By Them~> is the Goal. (This Example: Calico Center (San Leandro, CA) payees).  (Shortlink ending “-8ln” where the middle digit is not a number “1” or an upper-case “I” but apparently a lower-case “L” as in “l.”).  About 12,600 words (with all images and their captions). Tags will be added soon.

Started Jan. 4, 2018, right after publishing a “Part 2” “Chasing Down Corporations”*** post, for which this is follow-up

The connection to this topic comes through Kid’s Turn (San Francisco)’s aborption (merger, non-surviving entity) into a CAC (Child Advocacy Center) in San Francisco. I’d noticed this YEARS (about six to seven years!) ago and realized that the essence of the CAC network was running certain curricula and providing “co-located” interview centers similar to the concept behind the “Family Justice Centers” model.  I also found it interesting that KT San Francisco decided to go “underground” in this manner AFTER some of us were blogging its strange financial contracts with the SF City and County (i.e., Superior Court) and of course noting its obvious AFCC connections. It was clearly into psycho-educationally innocculating children against “parental alienation” and parents from spreading that “disease” to them by virtue of living in the same household…

WaPost Cara Tabachnik article 2017May11, Reunificatn Camps named, anecdotal

I keep hoping to get back to “Reunification Camps as I started” to narrate, with mentor/mentee clinicians and cross-country-border (and cross-continental) connections among some of the AFCC-featured ones modeled after, say Richard Warshak’s Family Bridges or Robin Deutsch et al.’s “Overcoming Barriers.”  Or the Canadian “Families Moving Forward” modeled on Warshak’s “Family Bridges” but with acknowledged board member (Barbara Jo Fidler) in common with “Overcoming Barriers.”  (Which I learned in an article by Cara Tabachnik (nearby images and quote) and others in the Detroit Free Press — see my earlier posts.).

from the Detroit Free Press, previously quoted on this blog.

Search results show the “Detroit Free Press” article referencing Rebecca Bailey and “Transitioning Families” (previously quoted on this blog), in “Sonoma, Calif. and Miami…” 

The Washington Post (Tabachnik) article mentioned Family Bridges & Families Moving Forward, and it’s likely that the account of children being flown from Virginia to California(!!) N. of San Francisco was referring to “Transitioning Families” associated with Rebecca Bailey.  Many professionals and their jurisdictions (incl. judge, at least one attorney, and the court-appointed therapist) are mentioned, but fully 40 years after Richard Gardner (and over a dozen since his 2003 death by suicide), and the establishment of more than one “CFCC” at a university (not to mention the one at the California Judicial Council/AOC — Administrative Office of the Courts) — somehow reporters are STILL not screening the named professionals for possible AFCC connections before submitting stories for publication?

Washington Post Cara Tabachnik article 2017May11, Reunificat’n Camps named, anecdotal

WaPo Cara Tabachnik article 2017May11, Reunificatn Camps named, anecdotal

In the fall of 2011, Raphael [[estranged father of  3 boys and a girl who were resisting visitation.  The article also noted his friend from “The Church of the Holy Spirit”]] came up with a potential solution that made the weary judge think there was a possibility of a breakthrough: a program called Family Bridges, which Raphael had learned about from his therapist. Its premise — and that of similar services — is that if children and the alienated parent can spend uninterrupted time together without interference from the other parent, they can mend their relationship. To encourage this outcome, however, it and other programs require two controversial legal measures: The judge must award full custody to the alienated parent and must order the children to have no contact with the favored parent for 90 days after completion of the workshop.

A Robert  (E.) Emery of the University of Virginia “Center for Families, Children and the Law” was quoted.  I looked it up.  This center was started only in 1996, (“PRWORA” passed then) is run by two older men and a younger woman (grad. 2005, blond) and taking funding through (Doris) “Buffett Fellowships” —

Doris being the famous Warren Bufett’s sister, and on a related website, her child hood of maternal abuse (no father referenced) is described, including how Warren was encouraged to go to college while she was constantly told she was dumb.  School records later proved her IQ was within two points of Warren’s, and at 150 points, “enough to qualify for Mensa.”

(Referenced in 2010 article on her “Sunshine Lady Foundation” created in 1996 by inheritance when her (abusive) mother died. Referenced again in a 10/27/2017 article; I noticed the header color theme matches the CCF&L Univ. of Virginia website but is labeled “Sunshine Lady Foundation. Hover cursor over that second link for excerpt.

The CCF&L website is nowhere near current (see footer, “speaker” and “conference” links), references him getting a Myer (sic — it’s “Meyer”) Elkin award  from AFCC in 2002, and at the bottom in passing mentions he’s the father of five children (and no mention of their having a mother, or his marital status (the C.V. says he’s “married.”  May or may not be to the mother of the five children…). Still, somehow, the association with this “Center” enough to get him a quote in the 2017 Washington Post/Cara Tabachnik article above… [Click any image to enlarge, should be able to cursor among the other ones with ease].

Emery’s C.V.:  Apart from the life-long focus on these topics from the psychological, psychiatric, and behavioral therapy points of view, acknowledged membership in AFCC (and several other associations), he’s also listed editorial boards (several) including, since 2002, “Family Court Review — which is an AFCC publication and (I show in this post) to be at least editor in chief, one must be a member of the organization. The CV also shows some principal founders over time, including, repeatedly, the William T. Grant Foundation, Buffet Fellowships (for this center), sometimes NIMH sometimes the Commonwealth of Virginia, and other private donors.  I’m already posting CV excerpts from another professor on this post, so will skip the process here…You have the link…

The purpose of “REUNIFICATION” is to overcome “PARENTAL ALIENATION” and Reconnect families… While sold in part for NONFamilial abductions (such as Jaycee Dugard and her mother Teri Probyn, whom Rebecca Bailey helped), the main interest at least these three or four camps seem to exhibit is in providing family-court-ordered therapy which may involve either family abductions and/or under-age but teenage children running away, or otherwise resisting contact with one parent.  Terms like “targeted” parent vs. “preferred parent” seem to substitute for other previously identified, in the individual case’s, realities, including perpetrators of some form of abuse vs, protective parents, or, generally, “mothers…”  [[I wonder whether any records are kept by gender, i.e., of how many mothers vs. fathers are accused of “parental alienation” resulting in forcible reunification camp sessions…]]

I published two posts on the theme in December, 2017, the first itself revisiting and earlier one (from 2011!):

Let’s just take a quick look at a “Family Court Review” journal (and make no question — this is an AFCC publication, though put out by Wiley) January 2010 issue and find how many occurrences of personnel, programs, and procedures to overcome parental alienation you can count in JUST ONE special issue on “alienated children” and what to do about them. Two of those camps are mentioned.  I’ll mark them, too (including four images covers all listed articles and sections shown):

AFCC’s “Family Court Review” Jan. 2010 (Vol. 48 Issue #1), 245pp, as viewed on “onlineWiley.com” #1 of 4 images

AFCC’s “Family Court Review” Jan. 2010 (Vol. 48 Issue #1), 245pp, as viewed on “onlineWiley.com” #2 of 4 images

AFCC’s “Family Court Review” Jan. 2010 (Vol. 48 Issue #1), 245pp, as viewed on “onlineWiley.com” #3 of 4 images

AFCC’s “Family Court Review” Jan. 2010 (Vol. 48 Issue #1), 245pp, as viewed on “onlineWiley.com” #4 of 4 images

So, those four images came from an issue published eight years ago this month.  Now, about the Family Court Review’s significance as a journal — I found an ad for new editor (in chief) dated 2015, to start in 2016.  I see they have since hired Barbara Babb of UBaltimore (Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families and Children in the Courts) as editor in chief.

I’d like to point out that while this may be THE major journal of the family courts, and as such it should be highly professional, it still acknowledges itself to be the mouthpiece, organ, and essentially under the control of this association “Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.” (I notice the website at Hofstra University (School of Law) hasn’t corrected the miss-spelling of the word “Conciliation”  as “Conciltion” for several years now, while updating the current list of editors…). The next three images show some of the job requirements as described on “Editor Job Description and Interview Process” (Original is black and white.  Any color represents my annotations, including one “call-out” on Image #2 of 3.)

#1 of 3 images: AFCC’s FCR seeking a new Editor (ca 2015) stating loyalty req’mts and other interesting info

#2 of 3 images: AFCC’s FCR seeking a new Editor (ca 2015) stating loyalty req’mts and other interesting info

#3 of 3 images: AFCC’s FCR seeking a new Editor (ca 2015) stating loyalty req’mts and other interesting info

AFCC representing a privately controlled association with its own acknowledged “mission” (agenda) and its members being a minority of the professionals involved in the nation’s (let alone other nations’) family courts — having active chapters in LESS THAN A THIRD of the Fifty (50) United States! —  but having achieved serious respectability in terms of the Wiley Blackwell status publication, and subscribing institutions (which I’m sure the publisher also appreciates) and references as it says on the first page, in WestLaw and Lexis Nexis — none of this eradicates the fact that the journal “FCR” represents the association — and NOT necessarily American citizens at large, or individually by state.

The insistence also on “Multi-disciplinary” and “Multinational” also creates an ongoing tension with the concept of representative government WITHIN this country.  I have no question the membership realizes this and having obtained a presence in “developing countries” institutions — when some US citizens, individuals who financially support the courts, public institutions with civil servants on the public payroll, by virtue of living and working in this country (i.e., through taxation and other fees charged) that AFCC wishes to, and apparently does dominate as a real “oligarchy” — cannot afford professional subscriptions and remain less than “up” on the nature and scope of its influence and the characteristics of AFCC as a 501©3.  And it (see red underline, image #1 of 3 above!) does claim to have influenced both legislation AND administrative rules of the family courts from the “Family Court Review” platform.

These issues cannot be swept under the rug decade after decade, or only be sporadically reported in association with some disastrous, headline-making custody situation, or not-headline making, but personally still disastrous for those involved, and affecting family lines and inter-generational wealth — or drainage of that wealth.  I have for NINE years almost, now, on this blog called attention to this situation, and (by the grace of God…) in 2018 will continue doing so.  Perhaps 2018 may be a tipping point for toleration of a private society with loyalty to things other than the U.S. Constitution and state constitutions (except as it suits their purposes) taking over public institutions and calling that “service.”  


Referring to those just mentioned above… I’ll start with Richard A. Warshak, “Psychologist and Author” — but not the camp.  I chose instead to feature his auto-bio on the website, and some of background on his acknowledged mentor.  This also features just how deeply entrenched in Richard Gardner (as a now-deceased influence and mentor comes out in the auto-bio).

After the “Warshak” section are images from some of the others, reminders of allegiance to each other (and to “AFCC”), and shared rhetoric.

Below all that, and I’ll mark it with a centered title, I get into the two nonprofits, “CACC, Inc.” (short-form name) and Calico Center, Inc.. — both at 524 Estudillo in San Leandro, California (a suburb of Oakland and like it in Alameda County, outside San Francisco and part of the nine-county “Greater Bay Area,” i.e., Northern California regional metropolitan area). Neither is particularly large — but size isn’t everything in some circles.  Sometimes leverage and positioning is, and for that, it’s doing well.

This post originally was inspired when I looked at the tax returns, and realized the information couldn’t fit onto “Chasing down Corporations, …. Part 2.”  (Or in full with link as provided also earlier in this post):


This section on “Warshak” is in place of any description (for now) of his “Family Bridges” workshop and after I’d already, below, decided to juxtapose information on the others mentioned above, with the main topic of this post, further details on how the “CACC” system seems to work, as witnessed by its California program center (so it says) “the Calico Center.” Who gets those Calico Center grants are relevant, and how small they are, relatively.

As with my new page (1/2/2018) on “For example, the National Children’s Alliance” (of which “Child Advocacy centers and organizing their establishments by State into “CACCs named after the state are part),

it takes about half a post (or more) to actually get to the images of the grants — mostly because I’m juxtaposing the information on Reunification Camps and people who define “child abuse” as promulgating parental alienation syndrome (that exact phrase, courtesy Warshak, although the word “promulgating” has a completely different meaning and usage). (in context, it was “falsely accused of promulgating [PAS]). You don’t “promulgate” syndromes — but you can promulgate doctrine, creeds, or officially declare and teach a philosophy in public, which this author — not the parents — are in fact doing, about alienation.  Possible root word underlying “promulgate” (to cause to emerge) may come from the word to “milk” as in squeeze milk out of an udder.  It does seem in this situation that certain situations are being “milked,” however that conflicts with the concept behind “syndrome,” which refers to a number of symptoms running together (“drome” is the root word representing running; see image below “promulgate.”  Notice it says from MEDICAL Latin 1560s, with “psychological’ sense only from 1955.

The image is the link. Click image to access this time (but not for most images on this post).

“syndrome” from OED (that’s not “Oxford English Dictionary” — click image for the link, this time.

Apparently a desire to blame a parent and claim a pathological condition results because of the parent got mixed up in the description.  And this was in a manual intended for “expert witnesses” aimed at judges and lawyers, regarding PAS (being sold as a monograph by Warshak on his website!). But hey, getting language exact or even using words according to their normal senses and context is obviously not a priority.  Getting the terms out there, repeatedly seems to be… Reptition, repetition, repetition…

AGAIN: Promulgate is to cause to come forth, to publicize or make official.  Here’s “Black’s Law” definition. “To publish; to announce officially; to make public as important or obligatory. See Wooden v. Western New York & P. R. Co. (Super. Ct.) 18 N. Y. Supp. 769.”

By contrast, “syndrome” is a word representing the “running together” of a variety of symptoms, with the key sense (apart from “syn-” or “together”) to RUN (as in “hippodrome” for horse or chariot racing, where the horses (hippo) run!) The symptoms are observed running (sic) on their own accord.  Syndromes have nothing to do with “promulgation” and have in effect, the opposite meaning, implying the name for some natural occurrence (or, I should say, “concurrence” of effects / symptoms, which is simply observed.  The roots of “symptom” come in part from the word “to fall” and often refer to indicators of a disease).

ANYHOW, for this post, the top half or more lays out some basic definitions to accompany the usual rhetoric — and to present a backdrop, or contrast, to the “CACC” system as it’s set up, I’m juxtaposing the section on reunification camps and Dr. Warshak’s career path, self-described…

I feel this is appropriate as BOTH scenarios — seem to have their origins in the 1970s, and gained momentum in the 1990s.  For example, Warshak’s first solo book came out, he says, in 1992, just before 1996 welfare reform but his career path was set in the early 70s.  The National Children’s Alliance (to prevent child abuse) didn’t incorporate until 1992 (or, its website says it started in 1988) but some of its local nonprofits date back to the 1970s (see that website’s timeline or my recent page for more). Kid’s Turn (San Francisco) dates to 1989 and “Kid’s Turn San Diego, 1996. Prevent Child Abuse America (my 1/2/2018 page contrasts this, up top, with the National Children’s Alliance, lower down on the page) DID start in the 1970s…

Both groups (NCA and PCAA) formed their own networks over time.  Both seek to influence public policy, but they handle their relationship to government financing differently (PCAA doesn’t take the government grants…).  Now some of these are collaborating on a campaign called “Enough Abuse Greater Bay Area” — but that’s a separate situation, and possible post too.

And so forth. Keeping some of these decades and organization start-dates in mind will be helpful when thinking about what we might reasonably expect (or NOT expect, in light of the present stable of “zealots” and missionary-minded crusaders i positions of power and with organized publication platforms and major mutual loyalty to each other) as to any fairness or neutrality towards women or mothers within these fields OR within the family courts.

Warshak’s mentor and co-publisher “John Santrock” has been focused on fathers, fatherhood, father-absence (etc.) from the 1960s.  He also, ensconced at a Texas University (UT-Dallas), has authored many editions of psychology textbooks — about 100 and translated into many languages.  The textbook industry (see “public schools”) is huge — and Texas and California are acknowledged leaders through sheer size. Warshak has somewhat a more respectable academic background (Cornell, CCNY for his masters), but I realized on reviewing his website and bio recently, apart from how narcissistic it sounds, he too has had a university position in Texas from which to build his business enterprises and from which to publish for many years.

Warshak also was not only ensconced early on at a university, but was also “mentored” and decided to become a child psychologist in the early 1970s after reading Richard Gardner (see “parental alienation” philosophy originator), and meeting his wife at a conference run by Gardner.  He went to UTexas Health Sciences for his doctorate in part because it allowed him to enroll in the doctoral program before he’d completed his thesis.

Warshak was also mentored by a man STILL full professor at UTexas-Dallas whose work AND academic life barely shows anything “north of the Mason Dixon Line** (except UMinnesota long enough to get a PhD, then head down to Texas) and who from HIS doctoral thesis in 1973 forward, shows an obsession with mothers vs. fathers in custody situations, and has made a career publishing those textbooks.  **Another way to put it, I’d say, “South of the Bible Belt…” with ramifications towards opinions on the proper role women in the family and in society…

(See credits). Dark tan area — Canada; this basically North-east section of map of the USA. In case the term “Mason-Dixon” line was unfamiliar.

Mason and Dixon Line, also called Mason-Dixon Line, originally the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania in the United States. In the pre-Civil War period it was regarded, together with the Ohio River, as the dividing line between slave states south of it and free-soil states north of it. The term Mason and Dixon Line was first used in congressional debates leading to the Missouri Compromise (1820). Today the Mason and Dixon Line still serves figuratively as the political and social dividing line between the North and the South, although it does not extend west of the Ohio River

Santrock’s resumes co-authored with Warshak as far back as 1982 and at times edited by others well-known for their own obsession with the field of “fatherhood” and in general stigmatizing maternal custody and women who don’t keep their men close by or co-parent sufficient to please these professionals, at least one editor was part of a husband/wife pair from UC Berkeley teamed with a husband/wife pair from Yale/Smith, respectively proudly declaring their point of view — as consistent with the National Fatherhood Initiative and the California OCAP (Office of Child Abuse Prevention). These PhDs can’t use “down-and-dirty” namecalling to get the job done — it’s social science/psychological negativity towards, essentially, half the human race (women) to the extent they aren’t submissive enough….

I believe that the “Warshak” background should be posted separately.  Many protective or “custody-challenged” mothers and women survivors of abuse know the name, but I wonder how many have actually read and considered Warshak’s own self-description on his “bio” page and followed up some?  Luckily, he loves to talk about himself** and there’s plenty to go on.  {**By contrast almost nothing about his own wife!!, who apparently also has a PhD, except to note where he met her}.

To further explain, I’ll put a few images here, and more, probably, at the bottom of this post. I’d intended to do a post on this sole topic over the holidays, but was sick (“out-for-the -count”) for about a week… Meanwhile, know that quite likely a “Reunification Camp” run by or modeled after Warshak means a father-obsession in action — with a life’s work and central career premise that’s at stake (must be constantly validated, one way or another), and that Warshak’s personal “moving media machine” is endorsed and supported philosophically by plenty more like him (and many of them women, too), “professionals” (of which we will be constantly reminded each time they provide a bio blurb or publish or promote some programming on a website) equally committed to “equalizing” the gender balance by tipping it towards men, regardless of character, and away from women/mothers (also “regardless of character”) and who have figured out how to make money at it

Next, four images with yellow-background CAPTIONS from Warshak’s web page on himself and his story are below along the left border while narrative for this post continues with other “reunification camp” information on the right side.  Supplementing this, I’m “foot-noting” several images from Professor John Santrock’s faculty page at UTexas-Dallas (marked with green headings) and annotated images from his lengthy resume which I see was dated 2017.  [The four images are actually several inches further below on the post…]

Both these websites should be required background reading for anyone concerned about  the use of “parental alienationto rationalize family court judges ordering (i.e., forcing) entire families into therapy, mothers (in particular) to be thrown out of their children’s lives and sometimes their own homes on 24 hours or less notice (or even with longer notice, for that reason), or holding the “stick” of expensive therapy as a conduit to the “carrot” of MAYBE getting “off” supervised visitation (essentially, a high “exit toll” to getting the courts out of one’s personal economic, work, family, household, housing, etc. LIFE), and/or anyone concerned about the United States of America’s, in effect, promotion of “fatherhood” (“responsible fatherhood only, of course…) as an UNofficial national religion, or those concerned about the undue, and under-reported, extraordinary negative influence of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts on children’s lives and AFCC members’ overall demonstrated ability and intent to help each other and help documented abusive, “perpetrating”  parents & organized rings of aligned professionals financially exploit and traffick them while claiming to be against trafficking and sexual abuse of children.

Three (3) “reunification camps,” including Warshak’s “Family Bridges” have been making news recently and Family Bridges is still being actively promoted by parallel “multi-day psycho-educational workshops” (a.k.a. reunification camps).  That’s how AFCC works…(group loyalty to refer to teach other wherever possible, while not advertising that the commonality is, actually,  that membership organization).  {{More proof of this behavior shows up in the other images provided below, for three — make that four with “Transitioning Families reference incorporated into “Stable Paths”—  other reunification camps providing/advertising websites}}

The least any concerned parent or concerned member of the public should do is read up a bit — read (1) Warshak’s bio pages and (2) Warshak’s UT-Dallas mentor John Santrock’s faculty profile & resume.

And admit that the psychology textbook publishing industry (college level), whether or not one is personally aware of or consuming the texts, already packs a powerful punch, and accept who and what you are dealing with in this man zealous for the cause, and hardly modest about it, either…:

[from Warshak/bio page, another early and lifelong mentor — this one’s just not still alive in 2018…]

My work on the psychology of alienated children established my reputation as one of the world’s leading authorities on this problem. I was invited to write the chapter on Parental Alienation Syndrome{{<==that’s  plug for his store; notice lack of exact citation in this context: year, publisher, context.. see quote below this one}} for the Expert Witness Manual, a guide for attorneys and judges dealing with expert testimony. During the preparation of this chapter, I contacted Dr. Gardner, the most well-known authority on the problem of alienated children at the time. He graciously extended an invitation to meet with him to discuss his work on the subject. Subsequently, Dr. Gardner and I delivered keynote speeches at a conference in Frankfurt, Germany. The man whose work contributed to my development as a child psychologist, and whose conference in Dallas brought Sandra and me together, had now become a colleague. Sadly, in 2003, Dr. Gardner passed away.## His staff and his family referred his practice to me, hoping that I would carry on the work of educating the public about the suffering of alienated children< back to top (the autobio is so long, it has section guides!…)

## “passed away” appears to be a euphemism for suicide. New York Times: “Richard Gardner, 72, Dies: Cast Doubt on Abuse Claims.” (6/9/2003, summarizes basic issues.  Conclusion notes he was divorced and is survived by two daughters, a son (his mother), eight grandchildren, and in addition to his ex-wife, his partner Natalie Weiss.”  And it was ruled a suicide.)

Warshak (website, link provided in the quote above) prompts readers to buy his monograph for only $12.75, and maybe “Divorce Poison” too?? This monograph:

CR15 – Parental Alienation Syndrome in Court  (“CR15” appears to be a catalogue # for on-line store)

Mental health professionals increasingly diagnose** Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in child custody matters. Critics of this diagnostic label, however, believe that it lacks an adequate scientific foundation and that testimony regarding this diagnosis, its course, and its treatment should be inadmissible.

This monograph, originally prepared as a chapter for a manual on expert witness testimony published in 1999 by the State Bar of Texas, examines the issues behind this controversy from a social science and legal perspective. Though written for attorneys, expert witnesses will also find it valuable in preparing for testimony and anticipating cross-examination. The monograph is free of jargon,** so it will also help parents who are the targets of alienation or who have been falsely accused of promulgating parental alienation syndrome.

The monograph begins with a general description of parental alienation syndrome and its symptoms, recommended treatment, and research on the efficacy of alternative interventions by mental health professionals and courts

**excluding the term itself!! The summary of monograph is itself a sales piece on parental alienation syndrome as a disease “promulgated” by parents (!!) and when diagnosed in need of treatment, interventions, and of course the involvement of “Mental health professionals” which it is also an advertisement for…Mental health professionals can’t just “barge into” people’s lives without SOME justification, en masse, and this hopes to facilitate the legal profession introducing more of them.

Over-use of the word “DIAGNOSE” considered (Pre-occupation with presumed professional qualifications to “Diagnose” anythingas demonstrated by creating new labels for the new twin “phenomena” [<>no-fault divorce, and — in the 1970s, after 1966 incorporation of “NOW” in response to 1965 “Moynihan Report” stigmatizing/ pathologizing single motherhood and anything representing “matriarchy” — <>women reporting domestic violence and child abuse and demanding it be taken seriously..] in order to establish such authority for mental health professionals — a [then] specific new “syndrome” originally associated with a twice?-divorced man born in 1931 who committed suicide in 2003, but began promoting the term in the (early 1970s) and a professional association historically claiming to have started in 1963 but state records who actual incorporation, 1975 in Illinois) picked up on this and continued proselytizing the theory, recommending “treatments” for it..

A quick tour through its Greek root & prefix,  including a bit on “Gnosticism” which relates to the basic concept).  There’ll be plenty of “parental alienation” populating the images in the rest of the post, so we might as well take a look at the tendency by those who espouse “parental alienation” and treatments for it, by use of this word characterizing themselves as somehow specially initiated to “diagnosing” the symptom… or diagnosing for that matter, anything….Use (and particularly over-use) of that word as the garb of the enlightened, initiated, and/or somehow clairvoyant beyond the material distractions of, well facts in evidence and the physical world.

**”diagnose.” Check your dictionaries — the standard reference is MEDICAL.  The wish to appropriate medical terminology in order to get some more “R.E.S.P.E.C.T”!! for behavioral health, mental health (etc.) practitioners seems universal to those fields.

Online Etymology Dictionary for “Diagnosis” the noun says it was in use as medical reference since the 1680s, [and for the verb “diagnose” “back-formation from diagnosis since 1861”]. People familiar with Greek prefixes or root words (or, Greek), will quickly understand that it implies to know thoroughly (“dia”). (cf. the “diameter” of a circle is a line (drawn or imaginary) that goes all the way through (“dia”), from one side to the other passing through the middle point).  See also “Gnostics” with the concept that arriving at it is liberating, including from the “purgatory” or religious morals and a sensate (materialistic) view of the world. Note:  I’m no Greek scholar, but I became basically familiar with words such as (transliterated here): gnosis, pneuma, psuche (etc.) through earlier study of Bible and the history of its texts, translations (manuscripts, etc.)  via interlinears (this type of text — lefthand page shown labels various editions], concordances, and etc. — pre-Internet, pre-easy search, on-line versions.  Paper, pencil/pen & highlighter… I also took Latin in high school and have sung plenty of it over the years, as a classical musician (piano/vocal/choral) including at a professional level, choral music of the church and major masterpieces and miniature gems (oratorios, motets, you name it) inside and outside it (from Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and since (French, German, Latin, Italian etc. — the text of the “Mass” was a major source for many of the well-known Western/European etc. composers over the ages…).

From “gnosis.org” ~ The Gnostic World View: A Brief Summary of Gnosticism

“The Gnostic God concept is more subtle than that of most religions. In its way, it unites and reconciles the recognitions of Monotheism and Polytheism, as well as of Theism, Deism and Pantheism…”

Humans are generally ignorant of the divine spark resident within them. This ignorance is fostered in human nature by the influence of the false creator and his Archons, who together are intent upon keeping men and women ignorant of their true nature and destiny. Anything that causes us to remain attached to earthly things serves to keep us in enslavement to these lower cosmic rulers. …

Not all humans are spiritual (pneumatics) and thus ready for Gnosis and liberation. Some are earthbound and materialistic beings (hyletics), who recognize only the physical reality. Others live largely in their psyche (psychics). Such people usually mistake the Demiurge for the True God and have little or no awareness of the spiritual world beyond matter and mind.

In the course of history, humans progress from materialistic sensate slavery, by way of ethical religiosity, to spiritual freedom and liberating Gnosis. As the scholar G. Quispel wrote: “The world-spirit in exile must go through the Inferno of matter and the Purgatory of morals to arrive at the spiritual Paradise.” This kind of evolution of consciousness was envisioned by the Gnostics, long before the concept of evolution was known.

Or, see the “Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy” on “Gnosticism” of which, after briefly summarizing it, starts out “1.a.” with “psychology.” Apart from origins of these ideas tracing back to “BCE,” … in the need to “diagnose” things seen only by the mental health experts, and not recognized (adequately enough) by other (mere mortals), Warshak et al. are attempting to classify themselves as more enlightened, true-seers, and as such, qualified as “saviors” to help enlighten others on the true nature of, for example, this aspect of reality — that is, “parental alienation” as a disease…  There’s a quality of Gnosticism in Paul (the apostle, i.e., Christianity) say some, and others (catch a few paragraphs from “CatholicWorldReporter,” the year is 2015, for a general idea!) simply qualify Gnosticism as heresy.  From the IEP website:

Gnosticism (after gnôsis, the Greek word for “knowledge” or “insight”) is the name given to a loosely organized religious and philosophical movement that flourished in the first and second centuries CE. The exact origin(s) of this school of thought cannot be traced, although it is possible to locate influences or sources as far back as the second and first centuries BCE, such as the early treatises of the Corpus Hermeticum, the Jewish Apocalyptic writings, and especially Platonic philosophy and the Hebrew Scriptures themselves.

In spite of the diverse nature of the various Gnostic sects and teachers, certain fundamental elements serve to bind these groups together under the loose heading of “Gnosticism” or “Gnosis.” …

1 (“The Philosophical Character of Gnosticism”)  (…”an interpretative discussion of Gnostic thinking as it applies to Psychology, Existentialism, and Hermeneutics, is not amiss here. Once we have understood, to the extent of our ability, the philosophical import of Gnostic ideas, and how they relate to contemporary philosophical issues, then we may enter into the historical milieu of the Gnostics with some degree of confidence“…)  a. Psychology

Who are we? The answer to this question involves an account (logos) of the nature of the soul (psukhê or psyche); and the attempt to provide an answer has accordingly been dubbed the science or practice of “psychology”—an account of the soul or mind (psukhê, in ancient Greek, denoted both soul, as the principle of life, and mind, as the principle of intellect). Carl Jung, drawing upon Gnostic mythical schemas, identified the objectively oriented consciousness with the material or “fleshly” part of humankind—that is, with the part of the human being that is, according to the Gnostics, bound up in the cosmic cycle of generation and decay, and subject to the bonds of fate and time (cf. Apocryphon of John [Codex II] 28:30).

The human being who identifies him/herself with the objectively existing world comes to construct a personality, a sense of self, that is, at base, fully dependent upon the ever-changing structures of temporal existence. The resulting lack of any sense of of permanence, of autonomy, leads such an individual to experience anxieties of all kinds, and eventually to shun the mysterious and collectively meaningful patterns of human existence in favor of a private and stifling subjective context, in the confines of which life plays itself out in the absence of any reference to a greater plan or scheme. Hopelessness, atheism, despair, are the results of such an existence. This is not the natural end of the human being, though; for, according to Jung (and the Gnostics) the temporally constructed self is not the true self. The true self is the supreme consciousness existing and persisting beyond all space and time. Jung calls this the  pure consciousness or Self, in contradistinction to the “ego consciousness” which is the temporally constructed and maintained  form of a discrete existent (cf. C.G. Jung, “Gnostic Symbols of the Self,” in  The Gnostic Jung 1992, pp. 55-92). This latter form of “worldly” consciousness the Gnostics identified with soul (psukhê), while the pure or true Self they identified with spirit (pneuma)—that is, mind relieved of its temporal contacts and context. This distinction had an important career in Gnostic thought, and was adopted by St. Paul, most notably in his doctrine of the spiritual resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:44).

So even the word “diagnose” really does have connotations…implying the ability to see, thoroughly, what others do not and setting the “diagnoser” apart from the common rabble whose heads are, well, into the immediate, here & now, and “trapped” in the purgatory of morals and distracted by what’s in front of their eyes, but with expert guidance, and apparently, the right initiation and continued “aftercare” can be led into a greater understanding of “reality…”

Using a term such as “parental alienation” authoritatively along with words such as diagnose, treat, intervention, etc. is an attempt to by association grab and convey a sense of qualification to the speaker.  Further down in this post I’ll quote an attorney adopting the same rhetoric — it’s a shared language again, among AFCC membership, and seems to unify them in purpose (not to mention, practices…)

These texts (referring to the many psychological textbooks published by Warshak mentor John Santrock) are for grooming (setting values definitions, mindsets, and practices) for ongoing generations of practicing psychologists.  Now consider what fields the well-groomed, impressionable, yet sure they are truly objective and “scientific,” graduates might find ready and waiting for them — like child abuse prevention, family court custody evaluations, social services….  They will be heading for positions of power and influence over young and vulnerable people, as Warshak had his first “awakening” realizing how much he personally enjoyed being someone else’s father figure…[Image #1 of 4, next].

Then perhaps consider what’s up when one of the “CACC network” (San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center, “CAPC”) agrees to take on by merger an AFCC model of four-week, fees-based (the parents pay..) psychoeducational re-programming to counter “parental alienation” represented by “Kids Turn” (San Francisco), with Kids Turn San Diego acknowledging to be modeled after it and calling itself an “affiliate.”  Similarly named, and family-court ensconced “Kids’ First” (in use in Pennsylvania, possibly also Ohio — and I’ve posted plenty on that one too) parent education group with AFCC-connected providers picks up the theme also, conveniently timed with the advent of HHS-managed, federally appropriated $10M/year (nationally) “Access and Visitation grants” as part of Welfare Reform (1996 — although A/V funding started in smaller size back in 1988) for “alternative custody arrangements – “increased noncustodial parent contact” and to support programming such as parent education — cases in point, Kids’ Turn, Kids First — mediation, supervised visitation, parent counseling around divorce, batterers intervention, etc.) .

I certainly have a question why so much might be poured into CACCs when not addressing the fundamental problems related to having organized rings of professionals systematically traumatizing parents (and kids) and exploiting the same financially under the guise of “helping smooth over the divorce process and making it less adversarial”…and “resolving family conflict.”

Is (essentially) establishing a cult and forcing conformity under significant threat of personal harm or harm to one’s immediate relative/s — threats people can witness being carried out on themselves OR others in the same system — really “resolving family conflict”? Or is that claim just a distraction?

So, Read Warshak’s auto-bio and Warshaks’ named mentor and at times co-author John Santrock’s CV and faculty page, and see for yourself. How hard can that be?  (Not too hard!!). (At the bottom I’ll also thrown in a few screenprints from one of the editor’s affiliations, from the bilingual website “Papas“** in Watsonville (rural) California.  The dynamic-duo couples are the Cowans and the Pruetts.  Between them they are West Coast and East Coast USA, which in seeking donations (=just my quick-check on whether “Papas” is a registered entity or 501©3), it says:

**We accept donations made through the Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center website. To make a contribution, please visit  http://www.scccc.org/scccc-donate  {{Meaning, probably, not incorporated.  Flying “below the radar”}}.  Which website meanwhile redirects to, newly named in FY2009 (about the date of the Papas Website it seems) “Encompass Community Services.”

(I did a quick review of its Charitable Details (showing size and age) and its supporting organization, which began as “Community Foundation of Santa Cruz” — which acquired property (incl. land, buildings and equipment, it looks like including vehicles) which it then leases to the counseling center — which is government-supported.

The notes (i.e., mortgages, etc.) shown in the supporting organization, many smaller ones, included several to city or county entities also, charging a high interest.  So taxpayers pay both coming AND going for the services provided there…when the government supported “Encompass Community Services” whose main expenses, year after year, are its 600+ employees (by far), and which leases property from a supporting organization which acquired it by borrowing from city and county both, it looks like (and possibly the State, too).

(Within the footnote on all this I’ll show how this relates  — through the editor involved — to Santrock’s resume and publication with Warshak’s name also on it..)

Website pushing “PAPAs” “SFI” (Strengthening Father Involvement) and National Fatherhood Initiative programming — and self-assessments as to how father-friendly is your community resource — Donate page redirects to This renamed counseling center in Santa Cruz, California. About 50% gov’t grants, 50% “Program Svce Revs” incl “Client Fees” (likely also gov’t) and avg Rev 25M/year. Even has its own supporting org (since 1980s, orig. “Community Foundation of SantaCruz” but then renamed CFSC, Inc.” EIN#94-2785529, in late 1980s) which (ca. 2000) took out about 10 notes to purchase vehicles and property (total assets now ca $9M) which it then leases to “Encompass.” Namechange from “Santa Cruz Counseling Center” took place FYE2010.

Warshak reflecting on himself and what prompted him to take this career path (#1 of 4, starting in 1971)

Warshak reflecting on himself and what prompted him to take this career path (#2 of 4, starting in 1971)

Warshak reflecting on himself and what prompted him to take this career path (#3 of 4, starting in 1971)

Warshak reflecting on himself and what prompted him to take this career path (#4 of 4, starting in 1971)

Families Moving Forward shows three, and three ONLY (women) on its board, and ALL THREE reference AFCC in their bios.  Barbara Fidler, moreover, also references in her (faint-gray font) bio blurb that she is also “BOD” (Board of Directors) on “Overcoming Barriers.”  Nevertheless, “chin-up” and keep believing that NONE of this represents incestuous business relationships among family court professionals, organized to profit from forced therapy as ordered by some of their (AFCC) colleagues who just happen to be judges….

“Woe” to any lone parent who attempts to stand up to this collaborative, problem-solving, kid-saving, “family unit-worshipping” white-collar BUSINESS racket enterprise (as to some of the kids who have stood up to it also have learned, the hard way…).   (See Gorcya case in Detroit, Michigan area, who finding Warshak’s camp unavailable, attempted to send the children north to Canada for reunification therapy at “Families Forward Together” AFTER sending them to “juvie detention” for the summer for refusing to have lunch with their father).


FamiliesMovingForward (Canada) incl 3 bio blurbs and PROGRAM OFFERING

FamiliesMovingForward (Canada) incl 3 bio blurbs and program offering” BARBARA JO FIDLER

FamiliesMovingForward (Canada) incl 3 bio blurbs and program offering: SHELY POLAK

FamiliesMovingForward (Canada) incl 3 bio blurbs and program offering: LINDA POPIELARCZYK

As it now happens, also incorporating help from horses in some of the reunification camp providers


This is Stable Paths, LLC website, but notice (maroon arrow) reference to “R. Bailey, Transitioning Families, LLC” at the bottom — and of course collaboration (co-authorship) of a book with Robin Deutsch (put out by Oxford Univ. Press recently). Rebecca Bailey’s “Transitioning Families, LLC” lasted less than a year, but the website remains up. Bailey is also “Advisory Council” to the JayC Foundation (Famous NON-familial abductee, with her two daughters born in captivity to kidnapper/rapist Phil Garrido — whose WIFE Nancy helped maintain the captivity for 18 yrs!!). Which JayC Foundation raises small amounts for various equine therapy groups around the country…


(Images above and below):

(This annotated portion of a faculty bio from William James College (formerly — not that long ago, either — “Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology” until it was named after a well-known figure considered the father of American psychology (and author Henry James’ brother….) shows a fond affiliation between Robin Deutsch, Ph.D., and (see highlighting) a certain nonprofit professional association with certain jargon it circulates throughout the system as “alternative” language for criminal behavior by parents…along with alternate responses (i.e., “treatments”) for such criminal behavior, and establishment — based on psychology, social science, psychiatry, etc. — of new categories of “relationship crimes…” The same professional also promotes (her, and others’) nonprofit “Overcoming Barriers” on the MAAFCC.org” website.

(Overcoming Barriers advertised on MA chapter of AFCC, under “Resources for the Public“) viewed 12/19/2017

O.B. new website — of course, go for the entire family (the more, the merrier…)

There’s a lot more I’ve seen, but not yet told (much of it featuring connections with other involved personnel to a law firm in Florida ALSO running more AFCC-centric nonprofit to fund court-forced therapy the Florida’s 11th Judicial Circuit. All it takes is looking up people on boards of directors (or “clinicians”) and continuing to pay attention ….

Jamie D. Isicoff, Family Lawyer at “Stable Paths” is also one of two women partners at “Leinhoff & Lemos, P.A.”   Isicoff, according to the usual themes, recommends family reunification after parental alienation,** and gives a nice shout-out (from Florida to Bailey’s Transitioning Families in California) for “how to do it”  (See nearby quote and image). I really question why the use of such “faint gray font” is appropriate if the purpose is to get a message across.  Perhaps plain black on white is just too much stark contrast, or color conflict, to handle?

**Parental alienationpresents on a continuum of mild, moderate, and severe. Traditional therapy may be more effective with mild alienation. In cases of moderate to severe alienation, however, specialized reunification therapy is often required, in concert with judicial interventions.

Reunification therapy is one outpatient approach to parental alienation but some families require more intensive intervention. For cases of moderate to severe parental alienation, time-limited, family-based reunification workshops may be required to jumpstart effective outpatient reintegration. There are several entities that offer such workshops to families around the country. The Stable Paths approach uses the treatment model created by Transitioning Families, a California program that has successfully offered reunification workshops since 2006. Stable Paths integrates equine therapy to help families transition from crisis to connection and provides a comprehensive aftercare component to ensure that progress continues after the workshop ends.

{{My color-coded emphases: red = how many uses of “alienation” can be worked into just two paragraphs?  teal = how many behavioral/mental health, quasi-medical terms can be sandwiched inbetween repetitions of varied phrases using the word “alienation” or phrase “Parental alienation” making it sound like a medical emergency to justify these court-ordered interventions and treatments?//LGH}}

Don’t you just “love” hearing a lawyer try to talk “clinician” while mixing up “entities” with “programs,” with “approaches” unsure which is which?  (“cases..outpatient…treatment… therapy… aftercare component… moderate to severe…”). If “Stable Paths uses the “Transitioning Families” model, then what makes it “Stable Paths approach?”  Meanwhile if there are several “entities around the country offering such “outpatient reunification workshops” why name ONLY the one which is no longer an “entity because it voluntarily and deliberately dissolved itself as an LLC in California (which I posted already) shortly before raging NORTHERN California wildfires got to the ranch site….? (See also nearby image of the 2015 article quoted above).

Hard to read? Click to Enlarge, then squint…

My finding this was also just basic fact-checking whether the “Stable Paths, LLC I saw registered was the one described in the website which has no “LLC” designator referenced. … It was…



http://www.llpa.com/our-attorneys.php  There’s just one other woman at Lemos & Leinhoff, P.A. and three male “Leinhoffs.”  Check their bio blurbs (on-site, not from the image) to discover which references the nonprofit “Kidside” (website actually is ‘KidsideMiami.org” because the other name was taken by a religious group…)

3 Leimhoffs, 1 Lemos, 1 Isicoff (Stable Paths, LLC)

Prominent family lawyers to the rescue, again (In 2000, Terry Fogel, Esq.) raising money direct for the services for those who couldn’t otherwise afford to be saved by this crowd..and might be lacking “Peace with their exes” after domestic violence court…


(From Family Lawyer Magazine, Isicoff 2015 article on parental alienation)

Isicoff’s 2015 article was posted (“updated Sept. 2016”) in “Family Lawyer Magazine” with this stock? family group photo. It was my second time running across “Family Lawyer Magazine” (it’s hardly the “Family Court Review”) so I looked up who owns it, which is “DivorceMarketingGroup.com” or, as its logo shows:

Marketing Experts for Family Lawyers and Divorce Professionals (21 years)

(From KidSideMiami.org website reference, I looked for a bit more on Board-Certified Terry L. Fogel, Esq. who came to the rescue of kids undergoing divorce.  Florida State bar reference is in the “KidSide” image caption above.  When ex-Utah Jazz star player Carlos Boozer filed for dissolution, Terry Fogel represented his wife Cindy (or “CeCe,”) says this article in the Salt Lake City Tribune. (“Ex-Jazz Star Boozer set to divorce“) (2010, article has been archived it says..):  “A Chicago Bulls spokeswoman said the team had no comment about Boozer’s pending divorce. Boozer signed with Chicago as an unrestricted free agent in July, agreeing to a five-year deal worth about $75 million.” – They were married 2002, filed to separate in 2009 but reconciled, and filed again it looks like in 2010.  The finances were settled “amicably” said both attorneys…There were three children.  Anyhow, Terry is a woman, the other “Fogel in the firm is “Joel Fogel.” Terry was Super Lawyer 2006-2018, and  other partner Scott Rubin (I see from a 2013 article) was also listed as a co-founder of “KidSide.”

A few more annotated images on “KidSide” just so you know it’s there! (sort-of, according to State of Florida registration records).  It may come up again on this blog.  Please read the annotations — it’s operating within an activist judicial district in Florida which has put out other “model” programs and attempted to take them national (as I recall) (Miami Child Well-Being Court® Model)…

From Sunbiz.org showing that “KIDSIDE, Inc.” has been administratively dissolved for failure to file its report (also showing address and EIN#). Sunbiz.org is the State of Florida’s business entity search website. I think it’s one of the better ones (has many search fields, including by officer or registered agent names) and results often show several imaged pdfs of filings for each.California and New York’s sites provide far less information after initial search results, and California’s has many drawbacks

Impassioned plea to make sure that child victims of family conflict receive the court-referral services they need (primarily supervised visitation, but also “reunification” and “parenting coordination” and how wonderful KidSIDE is to step in the “limited financial resources” gap…Although it barely reports any contributions in the first place after 17 years in business…

Detail from KIDSIDE’s FY2015 990 (Sched O) showing two affiliates — one is “Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc.” and the other, “Switchboard” which helps provide supervised visitation services. How they are affiliates if not listed as “Sched R” entities, I don’t know… but Kidside is filing Forms 990EZ anyhow, avoiding “Schedule Rs” …

KidSide Inc FY2010 990EZ See Bd, MIA $4K (Heleann Shapiro – of NPCA Georgia (Adm dissolved) 2 Hons + 2 judges + lots of Esqs STABLE PATHS Isicoff (LawFirm Partners LEIMOS involved {{<==this link leads to a multi-page pdf.  The title is just a long lable for that year’s Tax return and as a reminder to me of possible follow-up.  You may need to click a second time on blank “page icon to view it.  (Or, use EIN# provided on the first image and look for it separately on “990finder.foundationcenter.org” (tweak the date and remember the url should read “990EZ“)}}


Just in case it’s not (yet) clear where Isicoff, Bailey, Judge and “Stable Paths” stand vis-a-vis AFCC, here’s another page from StablePaths.com showing their presentation this past summer at an AFCC conference (and as a “Platinum sponsor” of the conference) in Boston (Stable Paths works out of both South Boston and Florida, it says):

Jamie Isicoff & Abigail Judge (of “Stable Paths, LLC”) presenting at AFCC 54th Conference as referenced on Stable Paths website.

Stable Paths as “Platinum Sponsor of an Spring 2017 AFCC Conference in Boston, presenting Stable Pats presenting team of — Rebecca Bailey, PhD (of Transitioning Families and advisor to the JayC Foundation in California), Jamie Isicoff JD and Abigail Judge, Ph.D. (JD & PhD in Psychology = ⅔ of the “perfect” AFCC combo –>no actual family court judge attached) both from Florida.


CACC (California’s Statewide network organization) and The Calico Center Grantees

Primary Purpose: A closer look at those grantees.

(The Lead-in material here overlaps from a recent post.  You’ll see where the list of grantees comes in — it’s going to be in gallery format.  Remember that there is a “parent” PAGE associated with this, “For example, National Children’s Alliance.”  … These networks stem from that umbrella organization, although it was formed later than the earliest CACs.  )

Total results: 3Search Again. (Actual current entity name isn’t as shown (though its Form 990 shows the older website, “CNAC.org”) but “Children’s Advocacy Centers of California.” Click through to see…

Notice a financial pattern, from an organization that only got it together to incorporate in 2008, get its EIN# in 2009, and finally register as a charity in 2010?…. (Declining total assets…).

California Network of Child Advocacy Centers CA 2015 990EZ 13 $45,405.00 81-0675334
California Network of Child Advocacy Centers CA 2014 990EZ 13 $62,391.00 81-0675334
California Network of Child Advocacy Centers CA 2013 990 19 $103,975.00 81-0675334

Click to enlarge 2015 “Notice of Incomplete Report” for CACC, Inc. a California Entity which Calico claims to be operating as a program, which belatedly incorporated (and filed as a charity) long afterwards…

Among irregularities in the latest return above:  Receiving an exactly $50,000 grant (filing Form 990EZ avoids telling if it was gov’t grant or not, in part or in whole) and claiming $51K of expenses in “Chapter Support” AND by avoiding listing its “Executive Director” claiming no Officer or Director was paid anything — then claiming $37K of the $51K “Expenses” as Executive Director Salary….

That is, deliberately mis-labeling categories of expenses..

Link to Charitable Details (pdfs shown should be active links too):  Childrens Advocacy Ctrs of Calif (fomerly CNAC) EIN#810675334 only registered when forced to, 2008) Char Details (3pp) Revs now under 50K again (<==This is a multi-page “pdf” with active links on the “related documents” section).

The other website also strategically avoids actually identifying itself, while claiming to be simultaneously an entity (i.e., an “accredited chapter” of National Children’s Alliance) AND a program…

A program is a program.  A corporate entity (for-profit or not-for-profit) is a corporate “person” — not a “program.”  Programs are what “persons” run, they are not the “persons” themselves.  But this type of double-talk seems to work well for PR and getting a CAC in (almost) every California County (see image from CACC website, below).

The “CAC” model was later adopted (being acknowledged as the  model) in the “Family Justice Center” themes, starting around 2003, focused on the “one-location” and public/private partnership features.

One primary feature, apart from the “one-stop shop convenience” frequently advertised, is “fiscal obfuscation” when a public/private partnership houses several nonprofits, with, in the case of “Calico” (I just looked) from early on, apparently putting a deputy district attorney on payroll, and recording it under “Other Expenses” (FY2000 return) and, nowadays, characterizing a local county’s chapter as running the statewide organization which, translated practically, means, distributing $197K in small installments, some to nonprofits, and some to hospitals, and several $9,000 installments to out-of-the-area district attorney’s offices!  While running a budget deficit (spending more than is taken in) and with only 12 employees, and a single executive director paid by “related entity” — but the available tax returns I saw fail to record any Sched R officially identifying any “related entity.”

I’ll “post it” separately.  But FYI, here are the Calico Center Form 990 IRS tables (it started in 1997).  To see earlier year’s returns (I was surprised to get as far back as FY2000, but did so), tweak the year in the URL.  There does not appear to have been a change in fiscal year end (from June 30) since it started… FY2016 return hasn’t showed up yet…

Total results: 3. Search Again.

Calico Center CA 2016 990 38 $709,095.00 94-3256781
CALICO Center CA 2015 990 26 $734,097.00 94-3256781
CALICO Center CA 2014 990 24 $740,658.00 94-3256781

Page 1 of Calico Center FY2000 return displayed in two images here. Click each one to enlarge as needed.

This FY2000, amended, Form 990 for “Calico Center,” representing just its 4th yr of operation, looks like it’s been to hell and back again; and bears date and time stamps fully EIGHT years later!! Nevertheless (see top image) you can see it’s primarily government’ funded by about ¾ of Contributions, and (on the bottom part, this image) I marked the “Program Service Expenses.” Nearby, related image (from the same tax return available from the Calif. OAG RCT Charitable Details website on this org.) shows it listed $120.5K payment to “Deputy District Attorney” . And $75K more to “Executive Director,” whose name doesn’t appear on the tax return (!!) out of total “Other Expenses (sic) $222K

Calico Center, FY 2000, “Other Expenses” reveal payments, substantial salary, $120.5K (if in that form and not on a “1099” or otherwise), to a Deputy District Attorney (was this attorney simultaneously on the county payroll ALSO?) and $75K to an unnamed “Executive Director….while the nonprofit itself is about ¾ government funded in the first place…Those two payments alone represented over HALF the total program expenses for the year (See above image).

First few years of contributions for Calico Center in Alameda County, California.

Before I get to just one year’s worth of (Sched. I-listed) Calico Center “grantees” here are some more images I also annotated earlier (this month…) — from a more recent (FY2015 — shown in top row, table above (un-annotated) Form 990:

Calico Ctr FY2015 Form 990, pg. 2 “Program Service Accomplishmts.”

Calico Ctr FY2015 Form 990, Part VIII (Revenues), top.. See annotations. Showing $385K gov’t grants (it’s going to then turn around — you’ll see — and grant out of the area to other DA’s offices), but somehow CACC is paying it a minor amount of dues (under Ln.2 Program Service Revs), i.e., Calico Center is somehow providing a service for the other organization — which is described, mostly, on its own website as not an org., but a “program..” “Go figure….”

FY2015 Calico Center notation that the NCA (National Children’s Alliance) must approve the grants (!!) The grants are “based on substantive expense reporting by recipient org.” — only problem with this, when several of the “orgs” are actually government itself. I.e., government grants go to Calico, which then redistributes them, in part, back to local DA’s offices. (Year after year??)

and finally, from the Schedule O:

Self-explanatory. If you can figure out what’s meant and reconcile that with apparently conflicting accounts elsewhere!

Re; Schedule O comment, above:  A gallery of 45 images representing NCA grants may be found (i.e., I uploaded them…) on that page (recently published, link & title provided near top of this post).  NCA is also primarily government funded — around $10M a year as I recall… How could this entity (formed in 1997) start CACC chapter program under a “grant and fiscal sponsorship agreement with CACC? Which of the two is functioning as the “fiscal agent”  — and why have a “fiscal agent” when there’s a separate EIN#, Secretary of State registration (eventually one was formed) AND Charitable registration?  If the “fiscal sponsorship” relationship has ceased now that CACC exists separately, why not mention that here?  Recall (I showed it above, and you have the table of tax returns), “CACC formerly “California Network of Child Advocacy Centers” only incorporated in 2008 and had to be cajoled, repeatedly, by the “Office of Attorney General” to start complying with state law regarding charities..

And that’s the characteristic of an entity which features evaluating some really sensitive matters involving whether evidence of individuals violating the laws protecting children from child abuse indicates a criminal investigation is warranted?? Or which exists to expand the presence of CACs which do that??

So, here are the images showing grantees.  I’ve marked those going to “Gov’t” and a few others of interest...

Most of these amounts are so small, one wonders what the fuss is about, or why bother! Perhaps being so small they will be under the general radar — except for people who tracked down and read some of the financials…

These are in “Gallery” format (click any image and cursor smoothly through the rest without need to continually re-click on each one, back out, etc.).  I have marked the ones which are “government” and some others.  Notice these are mostly small amounts (the total was only $197K), often to District Attorney’s offices, but sometimes labeled “Government” under different and unusual designations (such as “Stanislaus Community Agency”), and that there is even one grant from Calico Center to itself…

Also remember that these represent just ONE year’s worth of grants.  Again the Calico Center is making grants, but unlike the NCA _- it’s main purpose doesn’t appear to be grant-making, judging by size.

I looked up (just a spot check) a  “Community Violence Solutions” — one of the grantees, and on Form990finder, noticed that it appears to be only filing tax returns every other year — i.e., YE2012, 2014, 2016, but not in the odd-numbered years.  That’s odd to say the least!

I’d like to also make it clear that I’m not saying there should be no safe place for children to be interviewed for potential or reported child abuse, especially child sexual abuse, in safe environments with qualified professionals.  All I’m saying is, this is NATIONALLY organized — and in at least the SFCAPC (Now “Safe & Sound”) example, has felt it appropriate to work with, and allow merger into itself by a nonprofit known to be associated with the AFCC, an organization which has probably done more than almost any other to ensure continued delegation of minor children into the hands of batterers and molesters through the family court systems, and punish them when they then resist contact with the same.

I also believe that a more careful look at the “CAFR” issue and the difference between BUDGETS and POOLED ASSETS HELD IN INVESTMENT needs to be addressed.  I see no reason for minor grants of $9,000 to continue being taken first, FROM government (to the National Children’s Alliance) then run back mostly TO government through, in this example, a private nonprofit which doesn’t post its financials and can’t give a coherent account of its relationship to the State network of CACs!

“Community Violence Solutions” in San Mateo, EIN#942411924, imaged in middle row, left, above.

Total results: 3Search Again. Where are the missing year’s returns? By the way, the fiscal years shown below (due to June30 FYE) represent 2011, 2013, and 2015 (not 2012, 2014 & 2016).

Community Violence Solutions CA 2016 990 27 $665,862.00 94-2411924
Community Violence Solutions CA 2014 990 22 $530,779.00 94-2411924
Community Violence Solutions CA 2012 990 22 $448,333.00 94-2411924


I got back to the FY2002 (YEJun30 2003) tax return , same website as now:  “CVSolutions.org.” (See nearby images).

In 2001, a Rape Crisis Center from the 1970s gets a more “generic” name according to the times… “Community Violence Solutions” (involved with the CAC movement).

“Anomalies” re: CVS, above… Calico Center’s grant to this EIN#, organization name as located in “San Mateo” isn’t even in the right county — and as both San Mateo, San Mateo County, and San Pablo (in Contra Costa County) are indeed close by (within a half-hour’s drive at most, just a few miles away) from San Leandro, where Calico is, I fail to see how this mis-labeling happened.  Checking the California OAG website, it’s showing the “Founding Documents” (1979, 1991) for the “West Contra Costa Rape Crisis Center” with no name change to “Community Violence Solutions” shown at least on that upload.  Although some years show the major entity purpose (by expenses) as rape crisis intervention and counseling, I’m not even sure those were the right “founding documents” provided at the OAG website.  Checking this by the “Corporate Entity# provided (see image) and then looking at the Secretary of State Business Entity Search Site — Entity “C0810211” — I did find the 2001 name change to Community Violence Solutions listed in pdf form on its details.

However, that certainly doesn’t explain how it became a “San Mateo” address including the zip code) as a Calico Center grantee!

Image shows most (but due to size, not header) of a FY2002 State-Charity “RRF” form for Community Violence Solutions (see Statemt 1 image nearby)

Statement of Gov’t Grants as the form shows, & my comments.

Delinquency Notice Aug 4, 2017 (in 2 parts).

CVS Delinquency Notice Aug 4, 2017 (in 2 images, 2nd img).

You can easily see this is majority government funded (whether fees in part as it says in FY2002 or the majority of revenues,  in the form of grants).   Contributions seem to be relatively steady at around just over or under $2M and mostly gov’t grants.

So why, then, would this NCA-funded “Calico Center” be passing along just $9,000 to this organization which doesn’t file every year, apparently?  And label it wrong, too?





Included just to show that some of the “program service revenues” (then “analysis of income-producing activities”) includes fees charged to some government agencys (Medi-Cal, etc.). However, this was the smaller portion of organization revs — main part was direct gov’t. grants, and a smaller amount of non-gov’t.

Footnote WARSHAK/SANTROCK (from Santrock C.V. & Faculty Profile page at UTexas-Dallas)

  • and “PAPAs/SFI” connection (cf. an editorial connection to known fatherhood promoters at UCBerkeley):

Morris Harvey College (1967-1970), originally associated with Southern Methodists, is now “University of Charleston” — West Virginia. See comment nearer top of post referencing Santrock’s (a Warshak mentor and co-author since at least the early 1980s) lack of any significant employment history “North of the Mason Dixon line” — while authoring over 100 textbooks in the field of psychology, and many of these being translated into other languages. His academic background seems even less diverse than Warshak’s. I wonder why a mid-undergraduate transfer from UPennsylvania (which has a good reputation, as a private university) to the University of Miami.  WV, Minnesota (long enough ONLY to get his PhD), Univ. of Georgia, then UTexas…He also from 1960s – Jan. 2017 (date of resume)  or over a five-decade publishing & teaching career shows less than a single year working outside a university or college environment, i.e., “on the field.”  Where most people, including those he’s been writing about and studying/comparing for decades, work!!! 

I checked “C. Cowan” (Eds) for whether this might be Carolyn Pape Cowan, which it was… See annotation.//LGH

PAPAs/SFI (Strengthening Father Involvement) and its “National Fatherhood Initiative” connection, focusing on rural California, with a goal of training the local “community resource centers” to have an attitude-adjustment towards men.  Women approaching nonprofit family or community resource centers (ANYwhere) might to do some background-checks as to how much of this type of programming is being run through it.  (One way — “read them tax returns!”.. although Papas, which seems to exist as a website, doesn’t seem to have qualified (registered) one here, per their “Donate” page instructions anyhow..). I will not annotate most of the images and trust they will explain themselves.  I did mark the one indicating government funding..

Whoever put together the website in his/her or their excitement (?) about their highly qualified staff (PhDs) named the Cowans (academic affiliation — UC Berkeley), but forgot any subtitle naming Kyle and Marsha Kline Pruett (who are husband and wife) (Yale, Smith).   Cute!  Notice also that this project mentions funding by the State of California (Office of Child Abuse Prevention — “OCAP”) which leaves open the question WHO — exactly — was paid by the state for these PhD’s and related staff members (and any materials, travel expense reimbursements, etc.)  The website refers donors to one community resource center but indicate it was involved with several of them in the area…

Also note that “increased father involvement” is part of “Child Abuse Prevention” in this study, at least... Some of us survivors of in-home domestic violence (assault&battery and the other classic destructive, coercive, and harmful to all involved factors) may disagree with this theory as a universal — and with implementing assurances of its practice universally through community resource centers that ALL pay for through the state… and counties … and cities (plural) which in the case of “Encompass Community Services” and its supporting organization “CFSP, Inc.” is the reality!

This presentation is as a “gallery” (WordPress.com term).  Click on one and enlarge, and you should be able to move through the others using arrows that will appear (as in some photo galleries on on-line news sites…).  Not necessarily in order: “WYSIWYG.”

IN checking further details at the “PappasSFI.org website, includen the few (2009-2012 only) media references, the (searchable because it’s a bit unusual) name of director “Deutron Kebebew” (who came to the US from Ethiopia at age 12 to be with his father, but then ended up in foster care, getting a degree in electrical engineering, and working for what’s now called Encompass Community Services (formerly Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center — a $25M/year outfit as I may have said above) and running programs under “Papas” and “Hands on Fatherhood” which, as the larger image above relates, was funded by the California OCAP, and one news article said, 72% federally so funded) — I found a very recent article where Kebebew is now resigning from Encompass — in part over claims that it was mis-appropriating the $5M for the program while paying “six-figure salaries”.  And this article says he’s setting up another nonprofit to continue the programming.  I did check Secretary of State records — it was only formed last summer (August 2017), and has not yet registered with the State of California as a Charity, which I wouldn’t expect after that short a timeframe (unless it’d received funds already).


Overall, there’s enough material for another post.  It also gets complicated once OCAP is further explored regarding its classification of “SFI” Programming under CEBC.

Cowans listed under CEBC’s “SFI” program resource. See following images.. (MK is “Marsha Kline” Pruett)

SFI program “components” — quality of relationship between parents (cf. no reference of presence or absence of violence between them…) “NOT a skills training program…” “meetings held at dinnertime — food provided..”

Who can RUN SFI? Group leaders — clinical training at Masters level. Supervisors must be “licensed mental health providers.” Contact Danny Molina for the manual…notice the purpose (bottom para. of image).

I took a look at ICFS.org (Interface Child & Family Services).  This whole thing goes SO deep; the closer you look…And yes, there is another 501©3 involved (website provides the EIN# but posts no Forms 990).  Danny Molina’s LinkedIn provides a clue.  Note: original academic degree – a B.A. in psychology at “National University” (no geo shown).   Connections and promotions up to “Fatherhood.gov” (which is the “National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse” in effect, paid for from welfare funding (HHS)… with detailed strategies in a few places on how to better promote the “SFI” which again, primarily features leadership of JUST the dynamic duo PhD Couples, the Cowans and the Pruetts…

Here’s a “Gallery” of nine (9) images relating to ICFS, SFI, and/or Mr. Molina above — thus interrupting the six ones from “CEBC” (California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare, which continue below it).  Look for the one with the most “faint font” from Molina’s linked-in.  Sorry about the excess images on this post! For a “gallery” you should be able to click any image and then cursor left or right through the series, unlike other individual images seen within a post.


CONTINUING THE six “CEBC” images — again, surrounding the classification and listings for this “SFI” project which has been going on for many years, with funding at the State level (and passed through from federal too, no doubt…).

“CEBC Clearinghouse (run by Calif’s OCAP (formed in 1977s) which also administers the State Children’s Trust Fund (formed in 1983) – showing SFI and Cowans involvemt” (in six images…)

The Children’s Trust Funds in different states have been running “father-friendly” programming for many years, and appear to also have their own nonprofit organization/association too. (Searchable on-line). “Established as a separate fund in the State Treasury” since 1983…

I don’t feel much more than this belongs on this post except to note who Warshak has been publishing with, alongside Santrock as it pertains to “Fatherhood Today” and Carolyn Pape Cowan, Ph.D. (of UCBerkeley affiliation, with her husband).  Let us also not forget that federal HMRF funding of $150M/year has been in place for many years as an integral part of “Welfare Reform”…

Kebebew’s mother had died — and he’d come to the attention of social services, apparently, for as a minor not being enrolled in school, which is if anything a commentary on his father that he came to the US to be with… Meanwhile he now has a young infant (and no reference to the child’s mother anywhere in sight…).


Written by Let's Get Honest|She Looks It Up

January 8, 2018 at 6:09 pm

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