Sumberair's Blog

Oktober 5, 2009

the most Favorite Virus

Filed under: virus — sumberair @ 12:54 pm

Computer viruses! who does not know about the dangerous creatures that frequently attacks this computer. Apparently, a virus is not only a problem coding, attack and make antivirusya. Apparently, the virus name memikirka pretty hard, too. Try it you might imagine, until now there has been 1,000,000 more virus names that have been used. So if you want to create a virus, you also have to try hard to think the name of your artificial viruses. Understandably, it said the name is a prayer.
Well, a million there is a virus that had,  shinyshiny choose the best 10 names of well-known viruses. this list:

1. Fat Avenger
2. Deep Trhoat
3. Crazy Eddie
4. perfume.sorry
5. Die Hard 2
6. Polite
7. Cinderella
8. Kiss of Death
9. Mac Gyver
10. Dave

then name the best virus viruses Indonesia for what? The following nomination Indonesia virus, please choose and give your comments.

blue fantasies
my project
batam hackers
Please select the name of your favorite virus. Choose and comment ok .. You may add a new name.

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