6 Essential Items to Pack for a Kid’s Swim Meet

6 Essential Items to Pack for a Kid’s Swim Meet

You can fit everything you need in swim backpacks.
Swim backpacks are designed to carry everything you need.

As you prepare for your child’s next swim meet, odds are you will have to help them pack their swim backpacks with the things they need. Using a checklist can ensure you don’t forget anything, giving your child all the tools they need to have a successful meet.

Competition Swimsuit

Competitive swimwear is perhaps one of the most important things to pack. However, it can also be the easiest to forget when you are so focused on not forgetting the other items. It may be best to pack a backup as well, just in case something happens.


Another essential tool for every swimmer is the best swimming goggles, such as the Vanquisher goggles. This is another item it can be useful to carry two simply because they are small and easy to misplace. Even if your child may simply place them in the wrong pocket, having a second pair will ensure they have one when they need it.

Swim Caps

While you’re packing things in twos, swim caps should be another item on that list. Whether a cap becomes torn or misplaced, it’s good to have another on hand. Be sure the caps meet the standards set for the swim meet.


Your swimmer will need a good way to dry off after spending time in the water. Packing a few towels will ensure your child can always be dry, whether they are in between races or it’s the end of the meet and time to get ready to go home. Again, having multiple towels is the best option.

Swim Shampoo and Conditioner

Taking a shower to rinse out the chlorine is critical to keep your hair and skin healthy. This is why you need to make sure to buy special swim shampoo and conditioner, such as the Zealios brand. These products are designed to safely and effectively remove chlorine and other chemicals to keep your hair  as healthy as possible.

Healthy Snacks

Swimming is hard work and your child will likely be hungry either during or directly after the meet. Pack some high powered, healthy snacks to help with this issue. Energy bars and trail mix are both excellent choices. Try to avoid sugary snacks because they don’t offer benefits.

Competitive swimwear products are an important part of packing swim backpacks. As you help your child prepare for their next meet, be sure you are packing these six items.

If you’re looking for the perfect swim backpack or other competitive swimwear products, contact us. We carry everything your swimmer needs to be successful.

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