CK & Me

12/22/2009 at 4:00 am | Posted in CK & Me | 5 Comments
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Ready for a little inspirational excitement? Good, because we have more “CK & Me” page examples to share with you. This, our December installment, has ideas taken from an issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine, one of our special issues, and a past sketch, which goes to show you there’s scrapbooking inspiration waiting to be found at every page turn.

Let’s begin with our special-issue inspiration. Rachel Wright found all sorts of ideas to scraplift in Super-Fast Pages with 4″ x 6″ Photos, Volume 2, including this page from talented Katie Anaya.

From Katie’s design, Rachel was motivated to create the adorable page below. Rachel commented: “This page was created using the AWESOME CK special issue: Super-Fast Pages with 4″ x 6″ Photos, Volume 2. I am LOVING this book!”

I like how Rachel added to the base design by attaching the ticket accent to the corner and including journaling across the bottom of the page. Fantastic interpretation, Rachel!

This sweet design by Deena Wuest, which was featured in our January 2010 issue, caught Meg Loven’s eye.

Out of Deena’s layout, the “Best Friends” page below was born. Meg relates: “The cute face on Deena’s layout attracted me first, and then the great clean lines of her layout just begged me to sit down and case her design! I love paging through CK each month—and I’m even more excited when a layout inspires me to drop everything, sit down, and create a page! CK has been on my scrapping table since I started scrapbooking over 10 years ago. Thanks for all the inspiration!”

Meg’s use of primary colors really gives the design a different look and feel, and I love how Meg added little bows to her photo frame. Keep up the happy work, Meg!

Layouts aren’t the only items motivating scrapbookers around here. Scottie Ross took her inspiration from our April 2009 page sketch.

As you can see, Scottie wasn’t afraid to modify this design, which I adore. There’s evidence of the sketch in the layout of the page, but the positioning has been shifted to create a completely new take. Scotties shares: “This is a double-page layout that was inspired by a Becky Higgins’ design in the April 2009 issue. This was the first time I tried one of Becky’s layouts. It chronicles the first ‘real’ Easter my grandson Jordy experienced. From the joy of dyeing eggs and tasting them to the horrors of a six-foot scowling bunny and two feet of snow—in spring.” Bravo, Scottie!

How has something in CK inspired you? Whether it’s a layout, a technique or even an ad, we want to hear from you. Send photos or scans of your “CK & Me” examples to the CK team at—put “CK & Me” in the subject line. Your page could be the next one featured on our blog or in our magazine. Plus, if your page is selected for the blog, you’ll receive a free special issue, which will give you even more ideas to scraplift and enjoy!

Megan Hoeppner, creative editor


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  1. great layouts!

  2. Love seeing how others are inspired by the magazine!

  3. Love CK & ME. Great job ladies. Your layouts look great

  4. […] on the CK Blog! My page is featured today on the CK blog. Very exciting stuff. It is like Santa arriving early!Here is the page that was featured. I made it […]

  5. […] Collins ’tis the season line Tag. This page shows the screen shot of my blog feature on the CK blog. I was really excited to have my page featured and to get this early Christmas present of the […]

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