Prayer of an Italian Priest

I’m staying at home, Lord!

Prayer of an Italian priest in quarantine whose brother priest died from covid-19

I’m staying at home, Lord! And today, I realize,
you taught me that, remaining obedient to the Father, for thirty years in the house of Nazareth,
awaiting the great mission.

I’m staying at home, Lord, and in Joseph’s workshop, your guardian and mine,
I learn to work, to obey, to round the corners of my life
and prepare a work of art for you.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And I know that I’m not alone because Mary, like any mother,
is in the next room, doing chores and preparing lunch
for all of us, God’s family.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And I do it responsibly for my own good,
for the health of my city, of my loved ones, and for the good of my brother, whom you put beside me,
asking me to take care of in the garden of life.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And in the silence of Nazareth, I commit myself to pray, read, study, meditate,
be useful for small jobs, in order to make our house more beautiful and more welcoming.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And in the morning, I thank you for the new day that you give me,
trying not to spoil it and to welcome it with wonder, as a gift and a surprise from Easter.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And at noon, I will receive the greeting from the angel, I will make myself useful for love,
in communion with you who made yourself flesh to live among us;
and, tired by the journey, thirsty, I will meet you at Jacob’s well, and thirsty for love on the Cross.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And if the evening takes me melancholy, I will invoke you like the disciples of Emmaus:
stay with us, the evening has arrived and the sun is setting.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And in the night, in prayer communion with the many sick people, the people alone and all the caregivers, I will wait for dawn to sing your mercy again and tell everyone that in the storms you were my refuge.

I’m staying at home, Lord! And I don’t feel lonely and abandoned, because you told me:
I am with you every day. yes, and especially in these days of confusion, O Lord, in which,
if my presence is not necessary, I will reach everyone, only with the wings of prayer.



(Disclaimer from Fr Ed: it is not only mothers who do chores and prepare meals!)