Worst States to Retire? Website names Illinois, California & New York

The website TopRetirements.com has ranked US states that are the worst to retire in, according to three criteria: fiscal health, taxation, and climate. While Texas doesn’t even make the list or “honorable mentions,” I wonder what else could be included to determine a good place to retire.-SP

December 7 — The 50 U.S. states are in a beauty contest. Whether they know it or not, they are being judged by an avalanche of 76 million or so baby boomers looking for the best place to retire. These baby boomers are hard to please, they are used to moving to new places, accustomed to having the best, and are not going to settle for second or third best when it comes to enjoying their retirement years. This article provides our list of the 10 (or so) worst states for retirement, 2010 edition. Note: We are honored to report that this report was quoted extensively in Robert Powell’s “10 Worst States for Retirement” at WSJ-Marketwatch.

Everybody’s situation is different
Every individual has to consider his or her own criteria for selecting a list of the worst or best states to retire. The list of the best places for military to retire that came out this week from USAA.com and Military.com is a perfect example of a list that makes sense for a specific set of retiree needs. Their lists were carefully tailored to U.S. military retirees who typically have a nice pension that they don’t want taxed at the state level, and who need to be close to a base for shopping and healthcare.

Read the full article and see the rankings here at TopRetirements.com

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