Living life in the carpool lane..

Not much.. how ’bout you..

Posted on: January 12, 2009

Monday.  I’m not a big fan of the “Mondays..”

Most people that know me know that I am not good with Mondays…

However, it’s good to know that by next week.. OT will be back home.  A week from today, I’ll be driving home from Las Vegas and my boyfriend should be safe and sound in his home.. sleeping.. no doubt.

He’ll only be an hour and a half away from me again.  He won’t been halfway around the world anymore. 

So.. it’s a countdown to Las Vegas.. and a countdown til he gets home..

It’s Tuesday there.. and if he’s supposed to get back on a Sunday here.. does that mean he leaves on a Saturday (in Thailand..) which means that’s a Friday in America?!

I always get so confused with the timezone things.  I know that he will lose a day.. so that means he’ll lose his Saturday?!?

I never know… but someone could always leave me a comment.. enlightening me..

1 Response to "Not much.. how ’bout you.."

If he’s arriving in the States on Sunday, he’s leaving Thailand on Sunday too (but it will probably be Saturday here in the States, unless he leaves really late Sunday night Thai time).

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