
And I thought I will be bored during “Shelter in Place”

Roofing metal delivered.

I save 10 hrs of driving time each week by WFH, and with the long daylight hours, I thought I would be able to complete so many of my projects that I will be out of personal projects to work on….

Future cat patio, now scaffolding base.

But then, there is the weather to contend with. Sigh…. I dont like overcast days, I dont bring out my tools if there is a threat of rain…. its cold and dreary…. many excuses to procrastinate….

Yes, still I did get a lot accomplished. More than I would have if I am living weekdays in Seattle.

Stepping up.

No.1 on the list of things was to finish the workshop, siding is now 3/4 done. Roofing is next and cat patio after roofing. Its a 300sqft roof, and the roofing company wanted US$4500 for it. So I decided to start Lang’s Roofing Co 🙂 …. just me and Doug… mostly me of course.

Insulation down, Boards next.

The hardest part of this project was to raise the materials up to the roof. 100lbs OSB boards are the worst and 16 of them!. 50lbs x 2 rolls of roofing underlayment. Foam insulation, 2×4, tools were easy. Metal roofing panels was about 20lbs each, but it needed care in handling so that it dont wrinkle or scratch each other. For those bulky heavy things, it took Doug on the ground to stage and me on the roof to hoist.

1st layer boards down. Just beginning the 2nd layer.

It took me 2 days for insulation and 2×4 work, 2 days for screwing down 2 layers of OSB boards, 1/2 of day of Doug and me to layout the underlayment and only 1 day to lay down 14 panels of metal. Finally it took 2 full days for me and Doug to trim. Due to our inexperience at metal roofing trim, it took us way more time to do something that seemed so simple…. using our improvised scaffolding…

Chimney flashing done with aluminum self adhesive tape.

All materials up on the roof cost just under $2000. And I spent 7 full days on it, Doug helped on 3 of those days. So I will say 10 days and I saved $2500… but what a great sense of achievement!

Final edge trimming on improvised scaffolding.

The things I learn to do…. like using 2x6x16 planks on 2 10 foot ladders as a scaffolding. Walking on it is like balancing on tight rope, and you can bounce like the acrobats do on tight rope too, especially out in the middle.

My 1st DIY metal roof!

As for my 1st metal roofing project, I would say it went really quite well… My 2nd metal roofing would be perfect of course… 😉

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