
Its Been a really busy year

Cats are comfy in their new outdoor beds
New cover over tent frame

Time flew by when you are really having fun. Although, how can it be fun with the pandemic in full swing? Well, I am just one of those that really like working from home and never have we wanted to watch a movie or hang out at the bar. We miss the once in a month meal at the restaurant, but otherwise, life is pretty much the same on that end. On our accomplishments, we had so many!

Installed inside workshop and right away occupied.

Cats got their patio and I made little upgrades here and there for them.

New fluffy bedding

Re-upholstered the tent frame from last year with this pretty printed canvas. They enjoy their new tent cover, and they love fluffy bed addition that I bought for their Christmas gift. The base is heated with ceramic heating lamps and a space heater is installed to give them a warm toasty fluffy bed to crawl into.

Arduino weather station under test in the new planters

And I went overboard with gardening projects. A whole new planter space and deer damage mitigation plan plus a weather station that reads daylight intensity, temperature and humidity.

Inflight Office

Despite the raging COVID situation, I made time in the very last week of Dec to fly in style to Singapore.

My Office in Quaratine

Yep, I arrived on the 31st of Dec and was quarantined at a dedicated facility for 14 days. I enjoyed every minute of it.

My Home Office


I spent New Years’ Day at Park Avenue Changi. I was given a small suite, so I had lots of space to work in and stretch out. No hardship at all.

My Space @ Home

Like I said, I am strange by most people’s opinion. I am happy for that time to work on at my job with The Facebook and my personal robotics projects. The line between programming and robotics are fuzzy in the way I applied my skills.

Sundowners view from the Sands building

Started to make a series of robotics videos for my future YouTube channel.

The link to my work https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWuQYXfoi9Ehp0H4JhyIaxQ

My favorite view of Singapore

Hooray for testing negative. And when I got out, I go out to enjoy a bit of the “high life”… eating at the top of the “ship”

And drinking at a roof top brewery with a view of the ship. Was good beer, so I had quite a few of them.

Swirlly girl’s 1st snow experience

5 weeks goes back fast, but I was happy to head back. Kitties and Doug need me… or so I think. I am glad I did not miss being with the kids for their 1st snow experience.

…. In spring, I had professional help to take down quite a few trees, as we are preparing the front lot for a new work shed building.

DIIY equipment rental

…. I rented this Bobcat to pull a few small stumps, ground levelling, gravel pushing and logs hauling. It was so cool playing with one of these. Everybody should try it đŸ˜‰

Stump targeting.

Now, with those trees being cut, and they were good quality fir and alders, I decided to start milling them for picnic table and saving chunks for my bowls. Doug is going to use the fir for his gantry…. Among other things. These are beautiful wood that is just too good to become firewood.

Hauling logs from tree site to log wall

So we worked well through Spring. Summer activity report coming up in next installment.

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Sailing 2015: Port Townsend(WA, US) -> Costes Island (BC, Canada)

Sailing 2013: Singapore -> Okinawa -> Kobe

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