They Steal What You Love — Part 1

Because all they want to do is hurt you

Narcissists have a grandiose sense of entitlement — They think the world owes them and they will steal, lie, cheat to get what they feel should be theirs. True to his character, Trash is a thief.

So what has been stolen? Basically everything of worth. Trash left some of his used furniture for me to dispose of (story for another time), and took all the items of value, which of course where mine.

In November 2022 I filed Police report # (# redacted as to not reveal Trash’s true identify) with the Chandler AZ police. Total value of all the items that Trash stole from me is $ 12,690. A class 3 felony here in Arizona could land him in prison for 3.5–7 years.

This story will just be about the artwork ,which totals about $6,300. This is artwork that I purchased while living in Salt Lake City, Utah. I moved it to Chandler on Aug. 17th 2022 and hung it up over the weekend of August 20th with my best friend Katie. The other stolen items will be new stories (its a series peeps!).

Trash took my things not because he liked it; the opposite, he didn’t like it. He made of fun of it. But he knew that I love it, that it took me a long time to curate the collection. And that is why he stole it — because I loved it.

Here is just some of the items, displayed beautifully at my home in Salt Lake City, UT. You can see all of the items he stole here.

Pictures of some of the Stolen Items

Trash told the police that he made the purchases while we were in business together. Which of course is not true.  As of now the Police will not do anything — it has to be resolved in Civil Court (story for another day).

I know where some of the artwork is — it’s at Nurse NincomPoop’s (Nurse N’Poop for short) house.  As I am not 100% sure as I do not have video evidence, but would wager that the other items such as patio furniture, outdoor umbrellas and cafe lights, the locks, the wifi enabled landscape timer, etc. are all there as well. What a sweet fella to give his new girlfriend stolen items.

How do I know? Because Trash thinks he is above the law and posted pictures of it on Facebook. You bet I submitted the information the police. What did he do? Posted a joke Facebook Story about art… You can watch it here.

I have named Nurse N’Poop in the supplemental reports as a person in possession of stolen goods.

The prosecutor must prove that you controlled another person’s property after knowing or having reason to know that the property was stolen. Technically, you don’t need to buy the stolen property, it is enough to merely accept it.

Below is the proof I submitted to the Chandler Police.

Set of Two Prints — Neutral Modern Art

Trash has been posting Facebook Stories and the stolen artwork is clearly hanging up at N’Poop’s  house.

First supplemental report filed with the Chandler AZ Police # (police report # redacted as to not reveal Trash’s true identify). The evidence came from a Story Trash posted on Facebook. Full video here.

Artwork at my SLC UT home vs. at Nurse N’Poop’s house:

steal what you love - pic of my photos at Lauras house - Updated

And the receipt for the art, I purchased, in October of 2021 —

ivy interior invoice - updated

Wait, there is more.

One of a Kind — Paris Street Scene

I purchased this in 2010 while visiting a friend in Paris. It’s one-of-a-kind / irreplaceable. He was dumb enough to post another video with more of my artwork hanging up at the new girlfriend’s house.

Second supplemental report filed with the Chandler AZ Police # (police report # redacted as to not reveal Trash’s true identify). The evidence came from a Facebook Story Trash posted. I do not have the full video.

Artwork at my SLC UT home vs. my artwork at Nurse N’Poop’s house:

So, what have I learned from this experience?

  • That a narcissist believes that what is yours is theirs;  your stuff now equals their stuff and their stuff still equals their stuff . Such a huge sense of entitlement. I mean he didn’t just steal from me, he stole from the previous ex Lola – stories here: Lola and here: I met the ex girlfriend — she is NOT crazy; she is absolutely lovely .  He also stole from Betsy, I found the items after clearing the house out after the eviction.  Apparently it’s just the way they are – Spiritualwhistleblower on TikTok speaks the truth here.
  • That the police are pretty much useless in these situations. I can prove that we were not in business together, that these items were purchased by me with my credit card, some of them before I met Trash. They don’t care.
  • The court system is set up for criminals to crime. I’m convinced the hoops a victim/survivor is required to jump through is means to discourage them to push forward and fight for what they deserve — Justice.

I have filed a Civil Suit — for fraud/deception (for lying about the funds for the condo) , theft (my art (this article) and other stuff), as well as damage done to the Chandler house (more on this later). I will not give up until what is mine is returned to me.

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