January 10th Check-In

07-april1When December 31st rolled to January 1st did you vow to eat better, drink less, move more?  Did you promise to hang up your clothes instead of dropping them in a heap at the foot of your bed or to stop yelling at your kids?

We’ll we’re 10 days in to the new year.  And how’s it going so far?

The reality is, many resolutions are broken within 3 days of making them.  And.  That’s.  Ok.   It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what matters is that you get up.  That is so profound I’m going to repeat it.

It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what matters is that you get up. 

So your goal now is to make a “today” plan.  What can you do today to get you that much closer to your goals?  Tomorrow you make a new “today” plan.  And then on Monday, etc.  You do this every day until your plan is a part of your life.  .

Today, for example.  I set my dinner menu for the week (including a new recipe per my goals for 2015), went shopping and am making a lovely pot of chicken veggie soup which will be my lunch for the coming week.  I also schedule a group trail run for tomorrow so I can stay on track with my training.

Have a great today!

Now go run!

Keli 🙂


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