Hungry for Fish in Pet Society

Pet Society Fish

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.”—Author Unknown

Whoever uttered this famous axiom never played Pet Society, where fish is just ornament. I now have enough fish to open up a Chinese restaurant, yet I can’t eat any of it!

I’m also broke as a joke, having spent all my coins on bait. Because the relationship between bait and fish is unpredictable, players are spending much more money than usual on items such as the 100 coin white bone or the 2000 coin birthday cake—all for the great fish experiment. By the way, the pricey birthday cake only yielded one player a squid, which someone else got with a home-grown apple.

Guess who was the sucker who splurged on the cake? Moi.

I can only conclude that while fishing in Pet Society is a lot of fun, it’s less gratifying and functional than the gardens, which can grow food every couple of days. But I guess this depends on your priorities: eating or decorating. Many people are willing to go hungry in order to look good. Not me. I’m hanging up my fishing rod for now and going for a pizza.

See List of Pet Society Fish

96 Responses to “Hungry for Fish in Pet Society”

  1. 1 Avery July 26, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    do u need a face book to make a PS?

  2. 5 Jacel July 27, 2009 at 12:08 am

    I fished with a watermelon for bait, and was surprised to catch a Watermelon Fish. A friend had a donut shaped fish, with a hole in the middle. I haven’t heard back about what bait she used — I assumed some sort of donut.

  3. 7 petsocietyanonymous July 27, 2009 at 12:47 am

    Hi Jacel,

    Oh, you got lucky with that watermelon! I’ve added your catch to the list of fish & bait:

    Pet Society Anonymous

  4. 8 Kimiko Tsuikiumi July 27, 2009 at 1:09 am

    Add me to msn and I’ll tell you how to do it ^^

  5. 9 paola July 27, 2009 at 2:37 am

    hahaha. i love the post that you have here. it’s so hard to get the fish that you want in that pond. it’s so bad that i wasted a lot of coins just to get the pink doughnut fish and puppy fish:( .. i’m trying to get the melon fish but still no luck. awww

  6. 10 Bubbles July 27, 2009 at 5:27 am

    I can’t afford any of the new items on the shop. I spent all my coins fishing. At times I forget to feed my pet. At times I sense her anger. She probably resents me for not ever feeding her any thing that cost more than 15 coins. And yet I go fishing with a sweetheart root.

  7. 11 tintin July 27, 2009 at 10:31 am

    do you need to feed the fish or just leave it alone??????btw thank you for the advice

  8. 12 Pet Society Anonymous July 27, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    Hi Tintin,

    That’s a very good question. Certainly, the game would be more challenging if we had to feed the fish. But for now, we can just leave them alone.

    Pet Society Anonymous

  9. 13 Coco July 28, 2009 at 1:36 am

    Hey I just caught a Coconut fish with a Homegrown coconut. Just so you know…. the baby bottle doesn’t seem to catch anything good, but the maple syrup catches a fish everytime i’ve used it so far…

  10. 14 franz pet: pooky lv 24 July 28, 2009 at 8:40 am

    ive caught 2 flounder 3 frontosa 4 silver arowana 2 sardines 5starfish 3 clownfish 3 bluegill 1 carp 1 puppyfish 1 altum angelfish 3 crab 1 shrimp 1 applefish 3 squid and 9 sea urchin fitted in 1 worth 3000 aquarium and 2 500 worth aquariums. i wonder why fishes and trashes cant be gifted nor be sold?? and pls help me find a seahorse!!
    they said u needed a carrot… is it true??
    help me!!

  11. 15 johnpel July 28, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    i have caught all the different fish for the applefish it took me ten times to catch with an apple, for the sea horse it took me at least 9 times with a carrot and the donut fish it took me seven times this fishes are the hardest to catch but still i luckily catch all of them, yey

  12. 16 adam July 28, 2009 at 3:22 pm

    is the carrot for a seahorse a homegrown carrot
    or is it one of those regular carrots from the store?

  13. 17 Brenda July 29, 2009 at 7:10 am

    I love to fish and I have spent all my money in bait also. But I want to get a new fishing rod, do you know how to get it?

  14. 18 Ivy July 30, 2009 at 7:03 am

    I’ve got Frontosa with just a cheap 6 coins strawberry! No need to waste ur 75 coins on pink donut or strawberry milk!

  15. 19 polidiseno July 30, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    Please feel free to post any image of my pet in your blog lol (I’m D.Bohorquez)

  16. 20 sierra July 31, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    i have a seahorse.. it took me about 80 carrots and it took me forever!!!!!!!!!!!! but u have to buy the 7 coin carrot at the store.. don’t get mad if u don’t get it for a while.. it cant be the homegrown one’s tho.. it doesn’t work otherwise!!!! good luck u guys..

  17. 21 maxine August 1, 2009 at 5:07 am

    i want the seahorse but i cant get it…and also the watermelonfish and donutfish i like thet haha 😀

  18. 22 katerina August 1, 2009 at 7:35 am

    i got a blue ram and a green discus with an apple today and an octopus with a coconut, i also saw a banana fish in the cafe today!

  19. 23 Fran August 1, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    I dont even think the aquariams look that nice i just have an obsession with having a complete collection xD

    DOes anyone know how to get different rods? I’ve seen a picture of them somewhere.

    And is getting the clownfish completely random?

  20. 24 johnpel August 1, 2009 at 1:01 pm

    caught a bananafish with a banana

  21. 25 johnpel August 1, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    dogfish by donut,cheese!!use 7 donut to get it~2nd cheese to get it ==,8th cheese to catch it..
    stawberry fish by strawberry!!i use 43 stawberry to get it…swt
    cheese fish by cheese!!!i use 83 cheese to get it!!tired..zzZ

  22. 26 JL August 1, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    I just caught a Dog Fish using a cappuccino! You should try it!!

  23. 27 Andy August 2, 2009 at 4:59 am

    How many attempt does it take to get a coconutfish with a homegrown coconut

    • 28 petsocietyanonymous August 2, 2009 at 5:06 am

      Hi Andy,

      It took me just one coconut (the home-grown kind) to get the coconut fish. Perhaps I was lucky.

      Just be sure you’ve mastered the technique of catching the fish before you use an expensive item as bait. As you can see from the chart, there is no guarantee that a more costly item will get you a cool fish. I’m the sucker who wasted a 2000-coin birthday cake on a squid!

      Pet Society Anonymous

  24. 29 Katie August 2, 2009 at 1:14 pm

    i recently caught a dogfish. but not with a cheeseburger or a melon; but an apple.

    i also caught 2 green discus fish that are not on the list.
    i caught these with an apple and a melon.


  25. 30 Andy August 2, 2009 at 10:40 pm

    i caught all the fish except coconut fish thnx and i also wasted a 2000 birthdaycake just on a freaken squid

  26. 31 Andy August 3, 2009 at 4:55 am

    hey P.S.A use a homegrown banana to get bananafish it exist. i swear on my life

  27. 32 sarah August 3, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    hey i buy all this bait but i can’t seem to catch any fish it always ends up getting away with my bait???
    i follow the click and hold but it doesn’t seem 2 work

    help??? :s

  28. 33 Andy August 3, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    does anyone have a homegrown coconut

  29. 34 Danzig August 4, 2009 at 12:22 am

    I have every fish but the pirana,cheesefish,and the lemonfish. It just takes patience as does anything worth getting.

  30. 35 Tania August 4, 2009 at 5:43 am

    I think I’m the only person that has spent 45 watermelons and still can’t get the watermelon fish!!!!

  31. 36 Red August 4, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    I got broke with bait, still looking forward to getting Pirana, Dogfish, Lemonfish, Cheesefish, And Mostly, Bananafish.

  32. 37 Andy August 5, 2009 at 4:14 am

    tania your post to use melon not watermelon. melon is the giant 50 coin one

  33. 38 jiw August 5, 2009 at 5:01 am

    I can’t find a beetroot to catch the loveroot fish! 😥
    where is it?

  34. 39 petsocietyanonymous August 5, 2009 at 5:17 am

    The beetroot is something you have to grow in your garden using a vegetable seed.

  35. 40 Matt August 6, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    I am now the proud owner of a “golden butterfly fish”!!!!!!
    I would like to send in a screenshot of it to you but im not sure how to go about doing that. I havent seen it on any other site before so I am wonderin if it is a little bit like the golden poo? In that it is very rare.
    If anyone can help me get this fish posted somewhere that would be greatly appreciated.

    • 41 petsocietyanonymous August 6, 2009 at 6:38 pm

      Hi Matt,

      That’s awesome! You can take a picture of it using the camera feature in Pet Society and the images becomes included in your Facebook photo albums. So then you can share that with others in FB. If you want to just send me a picture, you can send to

      Pet Society Anonymous

  36. 42 Andy August 6, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    i got a lovefish

  37. 43 Amie August 8, 2009 at 4:50 pm

    Tania no your not at all lol it took me like 60!!

  38. 44 DenDen August 9, 2009 at 1:54 am

    I caught a schooling bannerfish with a lemon….
    is tahat new???

  39. 45 Stella August 9, 2009 at 2:12 am

    how can i got the sheep fish and the love fish??
    can you show me???

  40. 46 Phoebe August 9, 2009 at 11:37 am

    i got so far…

    puppyfish-100 dollar bone
    applefish- 5 dollar apple
    strawberryfish- 6 dollar strawberry
    orangefish- homegrown orange
    cupcakefish- homegrown cupcake
    bananafish- 10 dollar banana
    sheepfish- 5 dollar cauliflower or 9 dollar grapes
    golden butterflyfish- 5 dollar cauliflower
    chocolatefish- 250 dollar heart shaped chocolate

    and octopus, blowfish, sea urchin, squid
    and lots more!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!!

  41. 47 Nathan Williams August 13, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    Im Tha Best I Have

    S Donut
    Golden Butterfly
    Clown Loach
    Spotted Bass
    Schooling Bannerfish
    Altum Angelfish
    Green discus
    Blue ram

    My Fave Is My Strawberry Fish she is immense tbh

    If You Dont Belive me Add Me On Facebook and msn

    Nd I Have Got An orange tree growing so i will have an orange fish soon woop woop woop woop add me en

  42. 48 wattapak August 15, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    hey guys i got the cool fishes but i still dont have coconutfish,cheesefish,piranha and that donutfish thingi:P
    do anyone have tips for me???
    and btw add me

  43. 49 Pet Society Anonymous August 15, 2009 at 4:48 pm

    Hey Wattapak,

    Try the home-grown coconut for the coconut fish. Pink donut for the pink donut fish. Cheese for cheese fish.

    If you haven’t seen it already, here’s a long list of bait and fish:

    But please be aware that there’s no guarantee. So much of this is based on luck. I have caught many a squid and starfish with some of the same bait used to catch cooler fish.

    Pet Society Anonymous

  44. 51 wattapak August 17, 2009 at 12:31 am

    i already caught this fishes:
    *octopus(my octopus only got four foots)
    *shrimp(i like cooking u for dinner)
    *sardine(cutest fish)
    *seahorse(run like a wind oops i mean swim like a wave)
    *squid(my rod’s favorite fish)
    *flounder(crazy looking fish)
    *blue gill(no gill)
    *frontosa(there’s gonna be backtosa):P
    *clownfish(the assitant of clown loach)
    *carp(my rod like this fish 2)
    *red salmon(scary fish)
    *dogfish(longest fish)
    *silver arrowana(silver arrowana’s cousin is gold arrowana)
    *clown loach(hey clown loach tell me a joke)
    *paddlefish(it has a sharp nose because paddlefish always lie)
    *spotted bass(i want 2 have stripebass,checkeredbass jowks :P)
    *schooling bannerfish(wahaha 2 more weeks were back 2 school)
    *lovefish(i hope there’s “hatefish”)
    *cupcake fish(delicious)
    *chocolate fish(im gonna melt u)mwahahaha lol
    *banana fish(what will happen if i peel the banana fish??)
    *puppy fish(my puppy fish know’s tricks)jowk
    *golden butterfly fish(i hope it flies)
    *watermelon fish(the biggest fish)
    *orangefish(one of my favorite fruit)
    *pink donut fish(i want 2 catch chocolate donut fish next if there is already in the pond:P)
    *blue ram
    *strawberry fish(this fish is always sleeping or maybe its dead)jowks
    *sheep fish(maybe next week there’s a cowfish :P)hope so
    *apple fish(most juicy fish)
    *green discus(i hope theres other color of discus hehe just 4 collection)
    *blow fish(but its not blowing)
    *altum angelfish(theres an altum evilfish)
    *crab(red thingi,and cute)
    *coconut fish(ill crack u open)
    *cheese fish(maybe if theres a mousefish the cheese fish will be eaten)
    *piranah(most coolest fish)
    hehehe im not yet contented i want 2 catch different fish breeds:D

  45. 52 Brando August 19, 2009 at 9:25 am

    Please Tell Me How To Get These Fishes Easily
    1.Red Salmon(Cutest Fish Ever Made In Pet Society)
    2.Piranha(Second Cutest Fish in Pet Society)
    3.There is no Number 3


  46. 53 wattapak August 19, 2009 at 11:20 am

    i caught red salmon with cheese becoz that time im going 2 catch a cheese fish but i first caught red salmon then cheese fish
    then i use rare steak for piranah
    thanks for this site

  47. 54 wattapak August 20, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    is roller coaster kingdom nice???

  48. 55 Ondots August 21, 2009 at 5:16 pm

    I’ve caught all of the fishes so far but one, the cat fish ^^x

  49. 56 Ike August 22, 2009 at 6:36 am

    that quote is actually from the bible, maybe jesus. a man on the street was asking for fish and either jesus or one of his followers taught him how to fish.

  50. 57 Mojo-jojo August 23, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    My 39th pear netted me a Red Salmon. Im currently going for the bananafish, and I intend to spend the rest of my cash on bait. I’m saving up on my second account for a new aquarium, seeing as both of mine are choc-full of fish, and I don’t want them all getting cramped then fighting to the death over who should get the last space D:

  51. 58 wattapak August 25, 2009 at 11:22 pm

    ahh man i already have all the fish including the catfish…
    hope theres new next week

  52. 59 VATYY August 30, 2009 at 4:15 am


  53. 60 Angel August 30, 2009 at 5:39 am

    when i went to visit my friend, i saw that she had a pearl. i asked her about it and she said that she used corn for bait when she went fishing. i couldn’t believe what she said but she was my mpost trusted friend….

    so anyway if you want you can try it…u can, but please tell me if you get the pearl. It might work with other food but use a corn just to be sure!

  54. 61 junkie August 30, 2009 at 8:05 am

    i caught a red demekin goldfish with a carrot while looking for a seahorse

  55. 63 Lyka September 5, 2009 at 10:31 am

    I feel my pet going angry because I spend all my money to buy all the food I can get to fish.
    BTW Angel, I caught a “Magnificent Clam with Pearl” using an apple. I have two of them :3

  56. 64 Angel September 6, 2009 at 4:27 am

    cool….maybe i just misunderstood her…hehhehe….ill try the apple!

  57. 65 Lynnette September 11, 2009 at 8:22 am

    Lolz!!! I need:

    Apple Fish
    Cheese Fish
    Chocolate Fish
    Daifuku Mochifish
    Golden Butterfly
    Loveroot Fish
    Red Demekin Goldfish
    Red Salmon
    Strawberry Fish
    Strawberry Donut Fish

    I copied all these fish from the list. MAYBE THERE MORE FISH!!!
    LOLZ. Later.

  58. 66 Shelley September 25, 2009 at 7:09 am

    Dear, Pet Society Anonymous

    Have you got a bait for Broken Mystery box? I wonder what would it be?

  59. 67 Amy September 28, 2009 at 5:06 am

    Fishing is funn. i got most of the fish. i got 5 clam with pearl n recycled them. 🙂

  60. 68 Kate September 29, 2009 at 2:32 am

    I was able to get a mosquitofish with a home grown cupcake and I got an elephantnose fish with a lemon. I have a friend who caught a lemon fish and a chocolate doughnut fish but I don’t know how.

  61. 69 Kate September 30, 2009 at 12:34 am

    I forgot to ask, should I use a melon or watermelon to cath a watermelon fish?

  62. 70 Vince October 3, 2009 at 8:35 am

    I caught an Orangefish…….but when i used a homegrown coconut I just caught a Mosquitofish instead of Coconutfish

  63. 71 millie October 4, 2009 at 9:26 am

    How do you go fishing and how do you grow stuff?

    I hav it on bebo is that why i cant fish

  64. 72 allen October 10, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    Decorative Items
    These items obviously aren’t fish (no, the Sea Urchin doesn’t count as one); they’re merely decorative items (your pet cannot interact with them) that can be placed around your pet’s home or inside your Aquarium. All these items can be Recycled for 10 Recycle points each and cannot be sold.

    Sea Urchin – Biscuit/Pumpkin/Pear/Corn/Leek/Broccoli/Hot Dog/Onion/Salami/Pear/Banana/Strawberry/Bread
    Seaweed – Corn/Broccoli/Grapes/Meatball/Cheese/Melon/Coconut Half/Rare Steak/Strawberry/Cheeseburger/Cheese/Pear/Cauliflower/Carrot/Biscuit
    Message in a Bottle – Pear/Lemon/Cauliflower/Grapes/Bread/Pizza Slice/Courgette/Salami/Cheeseburger/Rare Steak/Cheese/Biscuit/Onion/Bread/Strawberry
    Soda Can – Pineapple/Coconut Half/Pumpkin/Pizza Slice/Pink Donut/Courgette/Onion/Strawberry/Carrot/Salami/Pear/Corn/Rare Steak/Cheese/Leek/Cheese/Biscuit
    Broken Pot – Meatball/Coconut Half/Biscuit/Watermelon/Melon/Corn/Coconut Half/Carrot/Rare Steak/Lemon/Cheese/Strawberry/Biscuit
    Bike Wheel – Pear/Grapes/Cheese/Pineapple/Pumpkin /Pizza Slice/Watermelon/Onion/Corn/Coconut Half/Carrot/Rare Steak/Banana/Rare Steak/Rotten Vegetable/Meatball/Strawberry/Cauliflower
    Coral – Apple/Pear/Biscuit/Corn/Leek/Melon/Biscuit/Rare Steak/Coconut Half/Chocolate Soft Serve/Banana/Cheese
    Empty Bottle – Pear/Lemon/Apple/Cauliflower/Meatball/Cheese/Biscuit/Courgette/Hot Dog/Carrot/Donut/Corn/Rare Steak/Strawberry
    Sea Anemone – Strawberry
    Blue Sea Urchin Shell – Strawberry/Pear/Carrot/Lemon
    Old Boot – Apple/Pear/Cheese/Melon/Biscuit/Rare Steak/Courgette/Hot Dog/Strawberry/Carrot/Coconut Half/Lemon/Meatball
    Sea Star Baby Doll – Broccoli/Bread/Pizza Slice/Strawberry/Melon/Salami/Corn/Carrot/Chocolate Soft Serve/Rare Steak/Banana/Cheese/Cauliflower/Biscuit/Onion
    Conch Shell – Pear/Pineapple/Bread/Pizza Slice/Carrot/Cheeseburger/Baby Milk/Corn/Lemon/Rare Steak/Biscuit/Strawberry/Onion/Leek/Grapes
    Fish Bones – Leek/Apple/Cauliflower/Grapes/Pineapple/Pumpkin/Watermelon/Hot Dog/Pear/Coconut Half/Corn/Rare Steak/Cheese/Lemon/Strawberry/Biscuit/Carrot
    Aquatic Creatures
    These creatures can be placed inside an Aquarium where they’ll swim around for your pet’s amusement. They can be Recycled for 30 Recycle points or sold for 4 Coins each. You can only have five of each kind of aquatic creature at a time; if you catch more your pet will automatically throw it back after catching it.

    Blowfish – Meatball/Carrot/Strawberry
    Cheesefish – Cheese
    Green Discus – Cheese/Rare Steak/Bread/Carrot/Strawberry
    Squid – Banana/Homegrown Orange/Leek/Donut/Pink Donut/Homegrown Apple/Homegrown Cupcake/Homegrown Carrot/Homegrown Turnip/Homegrown Cabbage/Donut/Homegrown Apple/Homegrown Coconut/Cauliflower
    Orangefish – Homegrown Orange
    Chocolatefish – Chocolate Heart
    Puppyfish- Bone
    Dogfish – Cheese/Donut/Rare Steak/Carrot
    Paddlefish – Pear/Leek/Coconut Half/Pink Donut/Homegrown Apple/Rare Steak/Strawberry/Biscuit/Cheese/Lemon
    Clownfish – Lemon/Cauliflower/Pineapple/Coconut Half/Cheeseburger/Donut/Strawberry/Onion/Cheese/Carrot
    Frontosa – Pear/Apple/Meatball/Melon/Onion/Salami/Donut/Cheeseburger/Pear/Chocolate Soft Serve/Biscuit/Cauliflower/Grapes
    Cupcakefish – Homegrown Cupcake
    Sheepfish – Carrot
    Spotted Bass – Broccoli/Cheese/Strawberry/Bread/Leek/Strawberry
    Flounder – Carrot/Corn/Donut/Strawberry/Cheese
    Watermelon Fish – Melon
    Strawberry Donutfish – Pink Donut
    Sardine – Pear/Watermelon/Pink Donut/Courgette/Homegrown Cabbage/Homegrown Turnip/Donut
    Crab – Donut/Cheese/Rare Steak/Cauliflower
    Carp – Watermelon/Pink Donut/Chocolate Soft Serve/Strawberry/Pear/Bread/Grapes
    Loverootfish – Homegrown Sweetheart Root
    Silver Arowana – Rare Steak/Hot Dog/Donut/Pink Donut/Chocolate Soft Serve/Strawberry
    Golden Butterflyfish – Donut/Broccoli/Strawberry
    Lovefish – Strawberry/Onion
    Applefish – Apple
    Bluegill – Strawberry/Donut/Cheese/Rare Steak/Lemon
    Blue Ram – Donut/Broccoli/Lemon
    Seahorse – Carrot
    Bananafish – Homegrown Banana
    Altum Angelfish – Biscuit/Cauliflower/Meatball/Pear/Banana/Strawberry
    Starfish – Biscuit/Homegrown Cupcake/Homegrown Orange/Banana/Homegrown Cupcake/Banana/Pink Donut/Onion/Melon/Donut/Baby Milk/Homegrown Cabbage/Homegrown Sweetheart Root/Homegrown Apple/Chocolate Heart/Homegrown Turnip/Rare Steak/Strawberry
    Shrimp – Broccoli/Pink Donut/Rare Steak/Grapes
    Schooling Bannerfish – Donut/Rare Steak/Strawberry/Grapes
    Octopus – Homegrown Sweetheart Root/Homegrown Cabbage/Homegrown Carrot/Homegrown Turnip/Rare Steak/Homegrown Apple/Homegrown Cupcake/Strawberry/Carrot

  65. 73 AMBER ANG JIAQI October 18, 2009 at 3:38 am


  66. 76 BriBri November 15, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    I like your games!There cool!!!!!!!! lol!

  67. 77 cairp(pet society name) November 29, 2009 at 9:58 am

    here’s what special fish you can catch:

    1)apple fish- 5 coin apple/homegrown apple
    2)coconut fish-homegrown coconut
    3)seahorse-7 coin carrot(not sure if can be caught with homegrown carrot
    4)strawberry fish-6 coin strawberry
    5)strawberry shortcake fish-homegrown strawberry shortcake
    6)piranha-30 coin rare steak
    7)birthday cake fish-2000 coin birthday cake
    8)loveroot fish-homegrown loveroot
    9)cheese fish-10 coin cheese
    10)banana fish-homegrown banana/10 coin banana
    11)cupcake fish-homegrown cupcake
    12)orange fish-homegrown orange
    13)lemon fish-5 coin lemon
    14)chestnut fish-homegrown chestnut
    15)strawberry donut fish-75 coin strawberry donut
    16)chocolate donut fish-75 coin chocolate donut
    17)watermelon fish-50 coin melon(not the watermelon slice)
    18)catfish-75 coin milk
    19)pretzel fish-20 coin pretzel
    20)turkey fish-thanksgiving stuff
    21)chocolate fish-chocolate heart
    22)puppy fish-100 coin bone
    23)jack o lantern fish-homegrown pumpkin/homegrown halloween lolly(frown halloween tree)

    happy fishing!

  68. 78 cairp(pet society name) November 29, 2009 at 10:07 am

    all the other fish i didn’t mention can be caught with ANY bait. so you will most likely catch them while you are trying to catch special fish!

  69. 79 Danielle November 29, 2009 at 10:27 am

    You can also get the Black Ghost Knifefish with the store-bought apple. Me and my other 3 or 2 (can’t remember) got it with the apple.. cool huh, just 5 coins for a fish..

  70. 80 cairo (pet society name) November 29, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    you can catch any regular fish with ANY bait. you don’t have to memorize what bait you used! it’s pretty obvious.

    PS does anyone go to does anyone know what happened?

  71. 81 Andro November 30, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    Grrr! I’m so poor, i sad…Hiek! Hey, what a taste of cupcake fish? Hahahahaha, that so funny when the fish can be eaten. Sushi eat sushi, LOL! (“,)

  72. 82 anonymous person December 5, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    Crap….I spent 2000 coins on the cake and ot a red demekin goldfish

  73. 83 Kim Chiu December 11, 2009 at 8:54 am

    PetSocietyAnonymous, I want to ask, what does the rare steak looks like or where can I buy it? Is the money Playfish Cash, or the ordinary coin? I need to know it now. Thank you PetSocietyAnonymous.

  74. 85 chumpiniac December 29, 2009 at 2:50 am

    i got a birthday cake fish in pet society! actually it took me 12000 coins to catch it !

    i wish playfish could turn play fish items in to coins……….

    so i could buy the fish bisciut in the play fish shop….


  75. 88 petsocietyanonymous April 7, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Hi everyone just a reminder you cannot eat the fish and u cannot sell some of them please reply back and say any ideas about pet society and ill send the pet society people emails on how to get it better

    Yours sincerly
    pet society anonymous

    any feedback plz reply

  76. 89 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO April 7, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    I have over 89000 coins i am spending it all on gold mystery boxes and seeing wat i get lol

  77. 90 Hannah M. April 16, 2010 at 5:00 pm


  78. 91 Katie July 5, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    I’m actually working on getting a Kangaroo fish.
    I caught one today.

  79. 92 Stella August 16, 2010 at 1:49 am

    I caught romantic icefish with a pineapple 0_0

  80. 93 Maiya December 15, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    i caught a cactus fish with a backed potato o_o

  81. 94 Maiya December 15, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    i gove a love fish with a strawberry moon cake

  82. 96 nichole January 26, 2011 at 10:10 am

    paano mag add play fish

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