‘A Quiet Place’

Thrillers/Monster movies like this, I don’t consider to be my wheelhouse. But the people (box office) has spoken, this one even has a little Oscars buzz behind it, so I had to see it. A few thoughts…

So, is Emily Blunt having a year, or is Emily Blunt having a year? I’ve always been a fan, but no question this is a career ‘leap year’ for her. A cheap thriller with her husband on one end, and Mary Freaking Poppins on the other. Well played Emily. Well played.

Now, let’s talk craft. Jim Halpert in the director’s chair. Again, I don’t consider this my genre, but for anyone directing their first feature, going low budget (which does mean horror a lot) was a smart choice. I don’t know if I walked away saying ‘Damn he directed the shit out of that,’ but I also didn’t feel like his direction took away from the story he was telling either.

I wasn’t crazy about the monsters. Or rather, the monsters were fine. The plot made sense. But their ‘weakness’… eh, wasn’t feeling it. You know me, I won’t spoil it. But the movie is called ‘A Quiet Place’ and the whole conceit is no one can make noise so… ok then.

Still worth seeing though if you haven’t gotten around to it.

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