Gatefold Cards with Bouquet Blooms

Today I am taking part in the Artful Stampers Annual Catalogue Blog Hop.

I have used the Bouquet Blooms Bundle which includes the Gatefold Blossoms Framelits.


  • The gatefold die uses a piece of cardstock 9″ x 5″ (23cm x 12.5cm) and creates a closed card 5″ x 3½” (12.5cm x 9cm). Using this size, you will only get one card from a full size piece of cardstock.
  • I have made some adjustments so that you can get two cards from a full size piece of cardstock.
    • Start with a piece of cardstock 21cm x 12.5cm, and place the dies at each end and cut with the Big Shot.
    • Score along the mark on the small side, then move the cardstock over 8cm and score again. Fold on these score lines and decorate as desired.
  • Supplies:
    • Stamp Set: Bouquet Blooms
    • Cardstock: Pineapple Punch, Soft Sea Foam, Powder Pink, Whisper White
    • Ink: Mossy Meadow, Powder Pink, Calypso Coral
    • Accessories: Gatefold Blossoms Framelits, Dimensionals

… a little on the inside

Don’t forget to visit all the other blogs to get more inspiration.

Alisa Tilsner
Anne Foster
Annette Sullivan (that’s me!)
Nicole Wilson
Tina Hewitt
Pam Pahl


Current Promotions:

You can download a PDF version of the Annual Catalogue here, or contact me if you would like your own copy.


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