Paul Tobey: 4 case studies: Making self-hosted CRM work for your client portfolio

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June 30, 2021

WordPress has advanced to the point you can drop your SaaS CRM and use WordPress plugins as your CRM. We’ve saved clients thousands of dollars a year adopting WordPress plugins into their marketing tech stacks.

In this training we’ll share with you 4 real client scenarios (GDPR compliant) who have adopted self-hosted CRM solutions to run their business.

Takeaway: You will learn 4 funnels you could use and deploy right away with free plugins found in the repo.

This training is suitable for freelancers, front end developers, agencies and professionals who offer WordPress as a Service.

Case Study #1:
Dr. Rouzati offering Botox training
Lead to Phone Call funnel
Case Study #2:
Brain Therapy Clinic offering concusion treatments
Online Quiz to Consult funnel
Case Study #3:
McGuire Financial offering financial services
Lead to a Webinar funnel
Case Study #4:
Dermatology clinic that requires a systems & process funnel (pre-screening)

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WordCamp Europe 2021 30


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case study 33


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