Boris Baldinger: How to Choose The Right Framework For Your Content Marketing Platform (Lightning Talk)

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October 27, 2017

You are stuck with a big corporate CMS. Change Requests can take up to 3-6 month. The process is slow and painful. Sometimes you have to make a bold move and change something. We did that change. We started to evaluate a new Framework for a content marketing platform of a big company in Switzerland. We decided to go on without any approval of corporate communication.

The website is live. Everyone is happy. And now we are on the move to integrate 2 more platforms on our new System. Which is indeed WordPress.

How we managed to get there. How we did find the right framework. And how we were able to convince the management that WordPress was the perfect choice I will show you in my short talk.

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WordCamp Bern 2017 17


Boris Baldinger 1


Content Marketing 70


English 10582

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