Nile Flores: Google Quality Guidelines 101 for WordPress Bloggers

One response on “Nile Flores: Google Quality Guidelines 101 for WordPress Bloggers

  1. J David

    I suppose it is all in the way you look at things. Is it tiring keeping up with all the Google updates and changes? Yes, but it does make us better and is for the user. Thanks for the list.


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August 31, 2017

Google is always changing up it’s algorithms. It’s not because Google wants to keep you on your toes, but Google wants you to put your best foot forward.

In order to do that, they’ve put together Quality Guidelines and have started to enforce them. So… what does that mean for the website owner?

I’m going to go over a checklist of things you should be doing with your WordPress blog. Some of it is about site speed, security, and content. Hopefully this checklist will help you understand what you should be doing for your website.

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