Franz Vitulli: Slack and Beyond – Internal Communication for Distributed Companies

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November 11, 2016

“Distance will die,” the British economist Frances Cairncross predicted while observing the spread of the Internet in the 1990s. At Human Made, which is a distributed and location agnostic WordPress agency, we are defeating distance on a daily basis by using several tools and adapting them to our own needs.

In this session I’ll explain how we communicate internally at Human Made, and share how you can implement the same strategies to communicate effectively with the rest of your team—while reducing issues related to different time zones, cultures and lifestyle.

This talk is for every remote team who need to improve their internal communication to maximise productivity, and for everyone who want to own their communication tools and apps rather than being owned by them.

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WordCamp Nederland 2016 35


Franz Vitulli 11


Distributed Companies 3
Internal Communication 2
Slack 6


English 10579

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