Chris Flannagan: Leveling Up From Plugin Hacker to Plugin Dev

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August 19, 2016

I’ve gone from trying to hack plugins to do what I want to actually developing my own from scratch over the past year. It’s challenging but very doable. This session will touch on the process I went through to become a much better WordPress engineer and a better coder. The presentation will discuss changing your thinking process when approaching WordPress development. We’ll touch on WordPress coding standards, how actions and filters work, and why they are so valuable. We’ll end by actually building a simple plugin step-by-step, in under 10 minutes.

Take aways:

Attendees will leave knowing they can improve their skills and how to start that process.
An understanding of why it’s important to develop in WordPress using the proper methods and not hacking it together.
A live demo of how simple developing a small plugin can be.

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WordCamp Asheville 2016 46


Chris Flannagan 4
Plugin Developer 1


Plugin Hacker 1


English 10582

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