Beau Lebens: Taking WordPress to the Front End with O2

3 responses on “Beau Lebens: Taking WordPress to the Front End with O2

  1. Erlend

    Just found out about this. Very excited to hear P2 is getting its long-awaited upgrade.

    Native infinite scroll, improved front-end editor, drag & drop image uploads, JSON API, post by e-mail… Man, I really hope these features will find their way into bbPress at one point.


  2. Sheila Hoffman

    It sounded like this was coming out soon. That was 10 months ago. Is there an ETA now?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Vanessa Anne Blaylock

    Now that we’re coming up on 2 years since O2 was promised to beta in a month or so… I wonder if Automattic has decided that Slack trumps O2?


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August 8, 2013

A lot has changed in WordPress, in themeing, and in wider web application development in the intervening years. We’re currently deep into the process of building the next generation of P2, which we’re calling o2. Learn about what’s different, what’s new, what works and what doesn’t. Hear about some of our plans for the future, and how we’re morphing WordPress from its server-side roots into powering a dynamic, flexible, front-end heavy web application.

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WordCamp San Francisco 2013 32


Beau Lebens 5


Theme Development 100


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