Halumi stuffed pepper with black pudding crumble

Stuffed pepper on black pudding crumble

The weather is absolutely April at the moment. One moment it is sunny and warm and next the winds are freezing cold and I am missing my woolly hat! The weekend was beautiful and the garden is looking so summery already!


sunny garden


The warmer weather makes me want greener and lighter food. I stocked up on vegetables and got a small black pudding for dinner. My luxury was some baby Jersey Royal potatoes. They are the first I have seen this season and when it comes to potatoes Jersey Royals are way up there. They are rich and almost creamy in flavor and well, simply delicious. I didn’t really have a plan so I placed everything on the counter and had a mini brainstorm. Do you ever do that?


In the end I decided to stuff a pepper with cherry tomatoes and halumi cheese and to make a blackpudding and sweetcorn crumble to go with it. I did the only thing imaginable to the Jersey Royals, I scraped them, boiled them and tossed them in butter.


Halumi stuffed pepper 

preparation time 10 minutes 

cooking time 25 minutes 

oven 200C or 392F 

serves 2


  • 1 large red pepper, cut in half, seeds removed
  • 100 gr or 3.5 oz halumi cheese, cubed
  • 4 slices courgette, cubed
  • 5 cherry tomatoes cut in half
  • 1 small handful of coriander
  • 1/2 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 6 pecan nuts, cut in half
  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • a pinch of sea salt

Mix the halumi cheese, courgette, cherry tomatoes, coriander, sesame seeds, pecan nuts, olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.

Stuff the pepper and bake in the oven for 25 minutes.


halumi stuffed pepper


Black pudding and sweetcorn crumble

preparation time 5 minutes

cooking time 10-15  minutes, until crispy

serves 2


  • 3 tbsp oats
  • 1 small black pudding
  • 1/2 do or 1/4 cup frozen sweetcorn
  • butter to cook
  • salt to taste

Place the oats in a dry pan and toast them. Add butter and black pudding along with the sweetcorn. Pan fry until the black pudding is starting to crisp and the corn is golden. Taste with salt before serving.


black pudding and sweetcorn crumble


Place the roast, stuffed pepper on top of the crumble and dinner is ready.


Stuffed pepper on black pudding crumble


This was one of the better experiments I have made. The earthy black pudding with the sweet pepper, the slightly salty halumi cheese and roasted cherry tomatoes worked so well together and there wasn’t a crumb of food left.


I am bringing this to Fiesta Friday and this week I am co hosting with the lovely Lina, Lin’s Recipes! Come and party with us. Lina is challenging is to a Pie, Tart & Flan recipe contest, what is your favorite?! Mine is a savory, lots of veg and plenty of cheese with a splash of naughty cream, I have get back to the kitchen and see what I can come up with!











18 Responses to “Halumi stuffed pepper with black pudding crumble”
  1. Lina says:

    I love stuffed peppers…this one sounds absolutely amazing…bet it tasted better..the photographs look vibrant..So pretty…thanks for the shout out about my challenge☺☺

  2. Sumith says:

    Absolutely stunning Petra. Your combination of flavours are amazing!!

    • petra08 says:

      hi Sumith
      thank you so much! It was a great way to boost the vegetables and it worked well with the earthy black pudding. 🙂 Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  3. chefkreso says:

    I never made stuffed pepper with a similar stuffing, have to try it out 🙂

  4. Petra I love your close up pepper photo 🙂 I’ve never thought of adding pecans to my peppers so that’s something new for me to try thank you. Your garden looks lovely – that tree! Thanks for co-hosting Fiesta Friday, I hope you had fun seeing all the delicious food!

    • petra08 says:

      Thank you! The pepper was so delicious I made it again the following day! Pecan nuts adds a great crunch and flavor. I hope you give it a go and if you do, that you like it! The pepper works on it’s own just as well as a meal!
      The tree is great isn’t it? 🙂 it grows like crazy.
      Fiesta Friday is always great, no week is quite the same if I miss it! Glad you could join us!
      Enjoy the rest of the week 🙂

      • Love the tree – do you get lots of birds? (we’re in the town & don’t get many as we’ve no big trees) I’ll definitely try the pepper thanks! 🙂 Thanks for your nudge Petra… I used to frequently attend Fiesta Friday (& co-hosted about a year ago) but life gets in the way sometimes! I’ll try to make more of an effort! 🙂

        • petra08 says:

          I have to admit there are mainly pigeons in the trees, we do get the odd seagull as well as we live by the sea. A lady pheasant comes and visits us every now and then as well but I haven’t seen many small birds in the tree, they seem to prefer perching on the fence 🙂
          Don’t worry and thank you! I don’t know what happens to time but there is never quite enough of it, is there?
          have a delicious rest of the week 🙂 x

          • Yesterday my husband called me as there were about 20 seagulls in the garden! His fault for putting big chunks of food out! 😛 How lovely to live by the sea – we’re several miles away but they still find us! We’ve never had a pheasant visit though! Oh yes time… it’s running away again!!! Have a great week Petra x

            • petra08 says:

              wow 20 seagulls! They do make a lot of noise as well 🙂
              We moved to the sea three years ago from London and never looked back! xx

              • Oh I couldn’t live in London! Much too busy… although I do think I’d love the food! 😛 We’re near the coast in East Anglia- which part of the coast are you on?

                • petra08 says:

                  I do miss the variety of food available at any time in London, both to go out and eat and how easy it is to get all kinds of ingredients but that is about it. We are in Kent so not far from you! 🙂

  5. Your garden looks so much ahead than mine. Mine is just starting to wake up. And I’m jealous of the greenhouse! 🙂 Thanks for cohosting, darlin!

    • petra08 says:

      hi Angie
      We had a bit of warm weather and everything started to bloom. The past few days have been cold again but am hoping this is the last of the cold weather! I feel ready for the summer!
      Thank you for having me, no Friday is the same without Fiesta Friday! 🙂
      Have a great weekend x

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