Chronicles of Victory

August 9, 2014 at 3:32 am 2 comments

Inre’s ChuSinGura 46+1 -Bushi no Kodou- has been set for November 28th.

Tsukuyomi won the ALIA’s CARNIVAL! chara poll for the third time in a row. The PRIMAL×HEARTS chara poll has started up and will run until September 30th.

Coming out at the end of month on August 29th are the Hoshiori vocal collection, PRIMAL×HEARTS character song and soundtrack and Haruno character song and soundtrack.

The Eiyuu*Senki GOLD visual fan book is 420 pages long, about 3 cm thick and weighs over 2 kg! It has all the characters, CGs and guest illustrations… all in full colour! The censorship is very minimal, so you can enjoy them in their full glory. It comes out on September 26th for only ¥3900. Definitely worth it!

Max Factory’s Super Sonico figma makes it look like she spent too long in the tanning salon. If you’re into that look, then she can be yours for ¥3889, shipping in December. I’ll definitely be passing.

Dakimakuras are available for Biman‘s Kirie, Koi DOKi‘s Mikoto, Yotsunoha‘s Nono, Sakura no Uta‘s Makoto and Rina, ALIA’s CARNIVAL!‘s Tsukuyomi, and Chiikano‘s Matsuri and Karin.

5pb. is holding a summer sale on their online shop from August 13th to August 27th in commemoration of Steins;Gate‘s 5th anniversary, with titles up to 90% off.

The Palette staff go out for a walk in the park with a love fairy. The scythe is for cutting grass.

Ahhhhhh… Tina’s route satisfied my need for a Mashifoni-esque story. 合法ロリ万歳! Overall Sakusaku wasn’t perfect, but I don’t regret buying the game one bit. Then I went and played Rumia’s route in Change! in one night. Chuuni charas are cute when they’re dere. The change ability is amusing as expected, but this protagonist is an absolute perv! I’m jealous!

Webclap responses:

かわいいは正義 by FaithoftheFallen

Not sure what’s a webclap for but i just love to see the different images. Haha :p
In any case, this is my favorite site to go for all VN-related news and I’m happy to see it still going strong after many years. Good job! :) by Kazuki

Well, it’s another outlet for people to send comments (other than commenting on blog, Twitter, or It’s more common among Japanese blogs, but I like the use of images. I update them occasionally, so clap a lot ^^
It sure has been quite a long time, almost 6th anniversary actually. Time sure flies! Thanks for your support and we hope to continue to provide you with the info you come for.

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Pure and Innocent? A Moment of Silence

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Aero  |  August 10, 2014 at 6:59 am

    Rumia is by FAR the most chuuni character i’ve ever seen >___>

  • 2. Newprimus  |  August 12, 2014 at 1:56 am

    The only route in Change that left a bad taste was that tsundere girl’s route, because the protagonist’s body-changing antics goes too far. Also because the romance came on too quickly and out of nowhere.

    All the other routes the romance builds more naturally, and the protagonist actually does good for the heroines.


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