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2PM fan union to hold large-scale demonstration for JaeBum coming 31st January

2PM fan union will be holding a large scale demonstration coming 31st January in Seoul JongRo regarding JaeBum withdrawing from 2PM.

The fan union wrote on their fan cafe on 28th January, “On 31st January from 1pm, we will be doing a nationalwide demonstration for JaeBum. For Seoul, the venue is in front of JongRo 2 BoShinGak. I know that (reporters) may be busy, but please do do reports on it. Thank you. -HOTTEST-”

Recently, there has been speculations about JaeBum‘s permanent withdrawal from 2PM amongst the fans, and the fan cafe has also clearly expressed their stand that they are against it. And some fans also drew associations from WonderGirls SunMi‘s case and are worried about JaeBum‘s status in the group.

Even though JYP had gone on national broadcast earlier and stated that “JaeBum will comeback”, there has been much worry and uneasiness from fans.

Also, even after 2PM has ended their 6-member activities, they have not been any confirmed plans about JaeBum, and fans are feeling uneasy about it.

Recently there has also been rumours, which was later said to be false by JYP representatives, that the company will come out to talk about future plans for JaeBum.


50 Responses

  1. why the commotion??

    isn’t it clear enough that JaeBum had submitted his withdrawal from the group and JYP Ent had accepted it? isn’t clear enough that JYP himself had said that JaeBum contract with JYP Ent is still intact and if JaeBum want to go back to the Korean Ent scene then his place would be with 2PM as long as his comeback is within the period of the said contract?

    fans gotta understand the way the business work, especially about contract or business pact. no fans can force their want towards artist or their agency since this area is a legal area. fans can voice out their concern but the act will solely rely upon the related parties.

    this is totally JaeBum call. have faith in him. I’d rather have him coming back because he sincerely want to not because he forced to.

  2. right now the international hottest [iHOTTEST] is planning to support the prottest…
    everything is under discussion right now..
    and maybe will announced it today or tomorrow…
    and we hope that all of you will participate in it as well….
    for more info, visit twitter…
    i’ll give the link for those responsible for it….

  3. i would REALLY love it if jay made up his mind…
    but we all know that’s not gonna happen… cuz should he come back, we all know that jyp’s gonna make it a crazy surprise. pffffft. juss bring him back alreaddy… hottests are gonna riot!

    again… i don’t understand the catalyst for this situation.. like the boycotts and protesting was understandable…. back in september… but now.. nothing’s happened with jay! its just fans being paranoid… pressing and pushing jay for an answer is only gonna freak him out.. so stop hottests!

    what do they hope to accomplish with this?

  4. I dunno… Demo is too much.
    People in my country did so yesterday against my current government. But this one is for an idol.
    Something that has never happened before… Fascinating….0.o

  5. lol i totally support.ppl over at allkpop dislike the idea of hottest boycotting. i totally support!!!!! love k hottest thanks for all the effort

  6. go hottest!
    I think jype should just tell hottests the truth and end this once and for all.

  7. When this case will solve? T.T

  8. Recently revisited some of 2pm’s works in early 2009 – MV and variety shows…
    Jaebom is simply a STAR!!!!
    He’s got good voice, fab dance, cool looks, sexy body, good humour plus he even doesn’t care about his “image” by wearing tights on his head!!
    It would be more than enough to get some one into a boy’s group with just one of those above!
    I’m not a true 2pm fan yet, but he’s simply fab!
    I just have this feeling that he’s coming bk soon! probably w/ 2pm’s new album promo^^

  9. ehhh personally i think jyp is handling wondergirl’s sunmi and jaebum’s situation quite well, better than what sm and yg would do

    plus those 2 are grownups they can choose their choices and it seems like if they want to come back to their groups, then jyp would let them

    • exactly =) complety agree with you.

    • obviously you don’t know this business world at all.

      their two grown ups but they can’t simply choose to do whatever. there are contracts. Higher positioned people who have more power over these artists. there are sponsers etc. etc. the celebrity world is kinda crazy intesne but we don’t know all the details.

      their protesting because they want to give him the chance to come back. all there is, is talk about how they won’t let him comeback because of 2pm’s current cf deals and how the companies would not like it. plus jyp made money off of the 6 member 2pm so why go through more trouble with Jae? that plus many other questions are piling up and khottests want answers.

    • eh dont drag yg into this.
      how is ignoring hottests’ requests again and again “handling well”? i’m with the majority of those against jyp.
      anyway, leave the other entertainment companies out of the picture.

  10. All that matters is Hottest keep fighting for what they believe in. They don’t have time to listen to doubters and haters. Plus this a protest not a boycott. Voices will be heard one way or another.

  11. It’s like this is the first time a member has pulled out of a group. lmfao.

  12. Goodness people need to stop already~

    Jay is a grown man; I don’t understand how forcing him to come back and sing for everyone, rip off his shirt or do slapstick comedy is going to make HIM happy. People are so damn selfish these days and do you actually think he’s going to be the same person when he comes back?

    Give the boy time to mature and think about how he wants to handle his future….fan pressure and forcing his return will just make HIM unhappy……

    • you know I thought about that too, the if he does come back he wont be the same person.

      seems most of korea has forgiven him, but has he forgiven korea.

    • i was thinking about that too. but there was this friend of jay said he just give up his dream being a singer in korea and asked Hottest to give him strength and support. i don’t really get all infos. & even though i wanted jay to comeback in the group, like you said will he be the same jay that we’ve seen on screen? cuz honestly if i’m in his position i’ll feel so bitter, and i’ll be scared returnin to korea after all the hate comments with full of rejection.

  13. hottest bring jay back…

  14. Love & Respect ????!!! LOL
    algunas fans necesitan aprender eso. Antis SUCKS!!

  15. watch someone will talk about this on aom’s facebook. tsk tsk

  16. go KHOTTEST !!!
    let’s bring our leadja back πŸ™‚

  17. Go Hottest!

  18. Do it big!! You all my support Hottests! and forget about haterz! Your charity work have been amazing too!

    Love & Respect

  19. i hope i can join too but i am thousands mile from s.korea.i’ll give my mentally support from here…hottest fighting!!!

  20. Love & Respect πŸ˜€

  21. go Hottests…never give up keep fighting for what you believe in

    Let’s run & fight for LEADJA JAYBUM.

  23. Love&Respect !!
    Go Go GO !

  24. It’s prob best that JYP, JYPE, and Jaebum finally make a choice and let Hottest and 2pm move on with their lives as it is atm it seems like they are just being stringed along.

    Honestly I support whatever jay wants but lets settle it once and for all really.

  25. I will support them mentally! πŸ˜€
    cos i cant be there. :/
    khottest; a definite JJANG!~ ❀

    really love what they are doing..

  26. fuck yeah!! go khottests!!

  27. i wish people would care more about more serious issues in the world…like there’s a war going on in the middle east, and people are dying and starving in Haiti..i think they should come before boybands

    • several 2PM fansites have donated a lot of money to Haiti, and a lot of donations and charity works in the past too.

      anything else you want to know??
      go look for some news and facts before go around saying things that’d make yourself look dumb.

      • I think take1 is trying to say that there are much more important and serious things in life than JaeBum leaving 2pm Im not saying fans should not care but doing demonstration to me is too much f and if the people I know like my family and friends hear about this demonstration they will start laughing and they will say how shallow minded these fans are Im sorry but this is the truth

      • i find that contradictory for someone reading a kpop blog in their spare time. surely there are more productive ways to spend your time.


        “my family and friends hear about this demonstration they will start laughing and they will say how shallow minded these fans are”

        but that’s because they don’t understand the idol fandom in korea. if something that is a big part of your lifestyle is about to be taken from you against your will, you’ll damn sure fight for it. that’s what these idols are to their fans. they aren’t just singers/entertainers/etc. to them. they are much more than that. and this is just one of the only ways they can come up with to fight for them.

        and though i don’t share the same “connection” as them, i at least understand where they are coming from, and why they do this. i don’t think it’s that they don’t care about the other stuff. it’s that they CAN’T not do anything about something that’s happening right infront of them. if a war broke out between noth and south korea, you can bet your ass they will do something about it.

      • oops my reply was meant for take1

        sorry for the double post

    • lmao. when i started reading your comment i knew you’ll be cursed by others. hottests granted your wish for your information. so have you done your donations then?

      • I HAVE.. though its something that shouldn’t be boasted about. It’s just doing something thats right for the sake of doing it. Not something you need to bring up as a defense for anything ya know. I commend hottests for donating and alot of fandoms/idols and such for doing they’re charity works also. Though i wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t reported on all the time. Sure they can say oh yes Red Cross Raised 10 million or so thanks to the people of . . . And i’d be cool with it.

        Hmm Am I making any sense? I dunno but i guess to myself i am…

    • they have been consistently donating to charities and doing public service so show their sincerity. they have also donated large amount to haiti. just let them do what they want and dont bash them without reasons.

    • well where have you been?? Hottests have been doing nothing but charity work in the name of 2PM..so yeah that pretty much shoots down your point

      • I don’t get it though, then why can’t they just donate under their name and let 2PM do their own donation.

      • out of curiosity, what has 2pm done?

        you said they did nothing but charity work in the name of 2pm.
        i dont doubt that hottests or even fans do donate to other causes, but do you have an article that discusses the public charity work the 2pm fanclub has done?

        you said “so yeah that pretty much shoots down your point” but you havent necessarily proven anything either

    • i understand, take1.

      i used to believe the same thing. all the work and effort khottests put into this jaebum situation can easily be put into something more plausible and possibly make an instant impact. i know what you mean.

      but then again, i i figured we’re only getting one side of the story. being a kpop blog site, it wouldnt talk about the other works fanclubs has done. in turn, we really dont know and shouldnt state that they have done nothing for other causes

  28. Hwaitting all..!!

  29. This is so awesome! I hope they make it REALLY BIG and end with a bang!! We’re behind all your boycott movements! KHottest fighting!

  30. Let’s RUN and FIGHT, HOTTESTs!

    Love & Respect the others too ❀

  31. where will it be held at in malaysia??

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