New Cover Direction for Senyaza Series

I have loved the Sean Dietrich covers for the Senyaza Series. They’re inspired works of art that usually touch on the very core of the stories and if I could have continued using him for new books, I would have.

But that wasn’t happening. I had to switch artists for the new books and I decided to listen to all the feedback I’ve been getting and switch up the old covers, too. The Dietrich covers were sharp and striking and didn’t tell potential readers who were scanning a list of thumbnails a damn thing about the books. They were so confusing that even after reading the blurb and being informed the books were for adults, one noted reviewer said she wasn’t certain they weren’t Middle Grade novels. Covers have that much influence.

I know many of my current readers have loved the old covers. Believe me, I have too. But I also love the new covers and I hope you’ll be willing to give them a chance. My new artist is Ravven, who also did the Citadel of the Sky cover. The new covers will be available on the ebooks going forward. Print books with the new covers will become available perhaps within a month–and for a while yet the old covers will also be available. It’ll be a Pick Your Favorite Cover situation.

So… presenting the revised Senyaza Series covers:


And introducing the cover for the forthcoming collection of short stories, Etiquette of Exiles. It mostly covers the first year after Infinity Key ends, and features stories about Penny, William, the Queen of Stone, Severin, and the twins– among many others.


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