BUGSI DMSO 70% Ph. Eur.


Breaking Through Skin Problems: DMSO’s Healing Touch

Unveiling a Paradigm Shift: DMSO’s Impact on Chronic Skin Conditions

Skin ailments, ranging from chronic ulcers to severe dermatitis, often pose significant challenges in conventional treatment approaches. However, a groundbreaking study showcased in the 1975 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences sheds light on a revolutionary therapy for chronic skin issues: Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO).

Rapid Relief: The Promise of DMSO Treatment

In a comprehensive study involving 1371 patients in Chile with chronic skin ulcers, DMSO emerged as a beacon of hope. Administered as a mixture with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agents, the DMSO spray yielded remarkable results. With most patients experiencing immediate relief and rapid healing, the treatment regimen showcased DMSO’s potential to transform lives.

Testimonials of Transformation: Real-Life Cases

Among the success stories, a 60-year-old man found liberation from a 15-year-old leg ulcer after just 20 DMSO treatments. Similarly, a patient suffering from postphlebitic syndrome experienced complete healing after a series of DMSO sessions, marking a newfound lease on life.

Beyond Human Healing: DMSO’s Impact on Animal Skin Problems

Not confined to human ailments, DMSO’s efficacy extends to animal care as well. A Los Angeles cat with severe skin problems witnessed a miraculous recovery after DMSO treatment, showcasing its versatility and potential in veterinary care.

Pioneering Research: DMSO in Skin Grafts

In the realm of surgical intervention, DMSO proves to be a game-changer in enhancing skin graft survival rates. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota revealed DMSO’s potent angiogenic effects, significantly boosting vascular ingrowth and graft viability, thereby revolutionizing facial reconstruction procedures.

Empowering Dermatologists: DMSO as a Valuable Tool

For dermatologists grappling with perplexing skin conditions, DMSO emerges as a trusted ally. With its versatile application and minimal risk profile, DMSO offers a ray of hope for patients seeking relief from stubborn skin ailments of unknown etiology.

Embracing the Future: DMSO’s Continued Promise

As research continues to unravel the multifaceted benefits of DMSO, the journey towards holistic healing gains momentum. With its unparalleled healing properties, DMSO stands as a testament to the power of innovation in reshaping the landscape of skincare and beyond.

Breaking Through Skin Problems: DMSO’s Healing Touch
Discover the transformative potential of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in revolutionizing the treatment of chronic skin conditions. From rapid healing of chronic ulcers to enhancing graft survival rates, DMSO emerges as a beacon of hope in the realm of dermatological care.

To learn the difference between MMS, CD & CDS, read our article: What is CDS?


Dr. h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker
BUGSI CDS < 3000 ppm
BUGSI CDS Protocol C
BUGSI CDS Protocol F
BUGSI CDS Antiseptic Qualities
BUGSI CDS Protocol E
BUGSI CDS Protocol H
BUGSI DMSO 70% Ph. Eur.
BUGSI DMSO 70% Ph. Eur. - Nature's Miracle
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BUGSI Zeolite Clinoptilolite - Carpathians Volcanic Rock - 100% Natural

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