Get This Book: The 1 Percent Continent: How Does Africa Move From Poverty To Prosperity? Sample Below.

Get This Book: Give Us Your Best And Brightest: How Does Africa Tackle Brain Drain To America And The West. Sample Below.

Get This Book: What Goes Into Choosing A Great Career. Sample Below.

Get This Book: Remaking America: Here Is How America Can Bounce Back. Sample Below.

Get This Book: The Western Media Agenda Against Africa. Sample Below.

These days, when an artiste releases a song, all they have to do is just upload it on their YouTube channel, and voila, the fans have the music. That’s how transformative the power of online streaming is. Or you could upload it on Spotify, and other online music streaming platforms. Because the rates are so low, about $0.005 per stream, you literally have to stream millions of songs for you to live comfortably off music. Which is why the entertainment business has wholly been shaken up by streams, and now how you position yourself is more your own initiative than a record label own initiative. Which is why these days, even when a record label has signed you up, they will ask you to come up with a marketing plan that is independent of their own initiative, which is why for most artistes getting their first deal is usually their hardest task, and it could take decades.

When Diamond Platnumz clocked a billion views on YouTube, the YouTube entertainment manager came out to lay the whole marketing strategy of him. In terms of talent, Diamond Platnumz is as great a musician as you would have say, Michael Jackson. But he was a second hand clothes dealer before discovering his music talent. He has a radio station, Wasafi FM, a TV station, Wasafi TV that pushes his music, and also, he has his own record label, so as soon as he releases a song, he is on it like there is no tomorrow, and that’s how he gets publicity for his songs. He is one of the top ten artistes in Africa, and were it not for the fact that he sings only in kiswahili, Africa’s most widely spoken language, and not in English, he would have been a global best selling artiste in the mould of Michael Jackson. It’s a lesson that other global music aspiring stars could learn.

The explosion of technology means that it’s so easy to release a song, for instance, many music stars have been discovered on YouTube. But then, that means that there are millions of singers that are all competing for attention and it’s why you need a robust digital marketing plan as a newbie artiste. Invest in targeted digital ads if you can and that’s the way to ensure that you have brand visibility. Then, you can churn out consistent content and plug your songs in it so that you are always in the eyes of your listeners. Remember to treat your music not just as a craft, but as a fledging business in which you are the product, and therefore package yourself well. If you can’t do that well, since most creatives are not good in business, then get yourself a capable manager to handle the business end of things.

Get this book: Give us Your Best And Brightest: How does Africa tackle brain drain? Read sample below and if you can kindly make a purchase.

Get this book: What Goes Into Choosing a Career. Read the sample below and if you can kindly make a purchase.

Get this book: The 1% Continent: How Africa Can Rise Up. Read the sample below and if you can kindly make a purchase.

Get this book. Remaking America: Here is how America can bounce back. Read the sample below and if you can, kindly make a purchase.

Get this book: The Western Media Agenda Against Africa. Read the sample below and if you can, kindly make a purchase.

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Collins Mabinda Okango

About Collins Mabinda Okango Koni. I comment on the intersection of politics, business, education, management, and technology. I was a columnist for the Star Newspaper and my articles appeared in global publications such as The White House. Here’s a snippet.

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YALI Network Member Collins Mabinda recent op-ed in All Africa: 

Recently, I joined a network of young Africans who are each working in a myriad of ways to develop the continent. I joined the Young African Leaders Initiative Network, which is an initiative of the United States government and African countries. The initiative seeks to promote a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Africa that is open for business, entrepreneurship, and civic opportunities.

Each of the YALI network members has pledged to help develop Africa in their own little way.

Among the YALI network members, there is a flourishing farmer in Morogoro, Tanzania, a civic leader in Lagos, Nigeria who is fighting against malaria in a sprawling slum in Lagos, and a Zimbabwean entrepreneur who founded the first innovation hub in Zimbabwe, Hypercube. Some of the YALI network members will be chosen to become Mandela Fellows, which will see them attend leading institutions in the United States for eight weeks. An additional small group will stay behind and be offered internship opportunities in leading companies in the US. Ultimately, the fellowship will culminate in a a summit between African leaders and leading American figures.

The partnership between the United States and Africa is now informed by the fact that Africa has to move from the periphery of world affairs, and move to the centre, where it becomes part and parcel of the global conversation.

This is an Africa that will be known for its opportunities and will be at the desk of policymakers in the White House, London, and other global capitals is what we seek as YALI network members.

Evidently, not all of us will be selected to become Mandela Fellows. However, I urge even those who will not be selected to become Mandela Fellows to continue engaging in the various networking opportunities, and work to build Africa one step at a time. One day, their efforts will be rewarded, and they will get other opportunities to showcase their talents.

Moreover, as young Africans, it is our duty to ensure that we create a new narrative for Africa. Africa is on the brink of takeoff, never mind a few instabilities here and there. It would be a tragedy if outsiders see Africa’s potential, but Africans don’t see this potential.