Monday Morning

May 5, 2008 at 9:50 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Got up at 7:15 AM when I heard the sound of water hitting the (hardwood) floor. Initially I thought it was from my roommate’s bathroom. I thought he was taking a bath. Somehow the sound was different from the regular bath tub sound. After a while I realized that it was from my bathroom and went in to check what’s happening. To my surprise I saw water leaking from the heat vent in my bathroom. Immediately I placed a service call. After 15 min the service guy came in and he saw the water dripping from the vent and all he said was “I will be back” and started to head out. I asked where he was going and he said he wants to check with the apartment right on top of my apartment. I waited for him till 8:45 but he never returned. I am so pissed of with him and my Monday has the worst start I could imagine. Got late to office as I had to wait for my roommate to finish his bathroom activities. Reached office at 9:30 AM and started to blog………

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